Identity Theme We Are All Made of Molecules by Susin Nielsen Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Books
đź“ŚWords: 1016
đź“ŚPages: 4
đź“ŚPublished: 28 July 2022

More additions to the family don't always fit under the guidelines of 'the more, the merrier.' This conflicting event develops the identities, as well as the individual personalities of the characters in We Are All Made of Molecules, by Susin Nielsen. The author focuses on the effect that family additions have on two unique protagonists. Consequently, the characters undergo multiple events that affect their respective personas. Each character shows an incomparable personality based on their actions and decisions. Their distinct identities develop throughout the novel. To illustrate the influence of identity over personal viewpoints, Nielsen develops the theme of 'appearances can be misleading,' through the protagonists- Ashley Anderson and Stewart Inkster.

To begin with, Ashley Anderson is one of the characters used to convey the theme of appearances and the development of her identity- through her experiences and actions. Ashley is the undisputed popular girl at her school. However, no one understands the turmoil that Ashley has been through and how it affects her personality. Ashley reflects on her experiences when she says, "There is nothing cheerful or fun about that. It opens up a lot of questions. Questions that I don't really want to know the answer to. Questions like: Did you ever really love us? Or was that a lie, too?" (Nielsen 10). One of the events that are constantly referred to is when Phil, Ashley's father, came out to his family. This revelation tore Ashley apart, and she finds herself struggling to pick up the pieces and continue to find a sense of normalcy in her life. After having her father, someone she loves dearly, betray her, she finds it hard to trust people. This unlikely trait is displayed when she is constantly worried about people backstabbing her. Everyone believes that Ashley has a flawless life, wishing they could live a day in her shoes. However, Ashley hides the truth- not willing to let anyone know; her dad is gay. Beneath the surface of Ashley's designer clothes, fancy shoes, and perfect hair, she is vulnerable and wants a father figure in her life-one that won't leave her and will stay by her side. Appearances aside, Ashley focuses on her priorities above all else. The desire to seem better- more mature, more elegant, than those around her- is visible in all her interactions with her friends, strangers, and acquaintances. Her superiority is evident as Nielsen writes, "So I took my glass and followed him, having a few sips along the way. I felt quite sophisticated, even if I didn't love the tase" (Nielsen 166). This quote demonstrates how Ashley puts her looks before anything. She cares more about the way that she presents herself, rather than the way she genuinely acts. In the quote, Ashley takes a sip of wine, instantly hating the taste. However, she forces herself to keep drinking to look more 'sophisticated' and mature in front of Jared, the guy she finds attractive. This quote explicates how Ashley places 'looks' ahead of everything else. Instead of asking for some water or even leaving the drink alone, she continues to take sips of the wine. She doesn't like the liquid, yet she still forces herself to drink. Her actions exemplify how elegance and superiority are a major part of her personality. The need to be better than those around her is a key factor in Ashley's identity. This shows that Ashley places appearances ahead of her troubles and true feelings.

 Furthermore, the author used the optimism and personality of Stewart Inkster to demonstrate the development of theme and identity in the novel. His high level of intelligence makes him stand out from the average high school crowd; the pride of going to a prestigious school turns into a weakness, seeing as his classmates look at him as a ‘nerd’. The text states, “‘Why? He goes to that school for nerds on the North Shore.' ‘It’s not for nerds,’ the freakazoid said. ‘It’s for gifteds.’ Same diff” (Nielsen 21). This quote explicates how Stewart is a genius- in the academic sense. He moved away from his old school, Little Genius Academy, and transferred into the local high school. However, Stewart’s manner of acting is not similar to that of the average high school student- it is drastically different. This corresponds to his identity because being intelligent is a part of how Stewart Inkster is. The events that occur in his new school are not something that Stewart was prepared for. His reaction to these occurrences is influenced by his seclusion at the academy and the isolated life that he has lived. His intelligence plays a role in the way that he perceives things, choosing to solve problems logically and based on a measured, scientific method. In addition, his past experiences, such as losing his mom to cancer, cause Stewart to be more thoughtful and optimistic when regarding his own life. According to the novel, Nielson writes, “‘B,’ I told him. In reality it was more of a C, but I knew C would worry him, and I knew A would sound too good to be true” (Nielson 47). Through this quote, the readers can understand that a few of Stewart’s prominent character traits include thoughtfulness and kindness. During the school day, Stewart was bullied and felt bad. Instead of venting about this to his father, Leonard, he chose to keep it to himself. This prevents Leonard from worrying and even keeps his happiness. Leonard is still on the fence about moving into Caroline’s home and is ready to move back if anything goes wrong. Even though Leonard wants the best for his son, Stewart can see the love between Leonard and Caroline. Stewart doesn't want to be a burden on them. This shows that Stewart cares about his father, and would always put family first. This relates to the theme because it shows that although Stewart holds up an outward appearance of everything being fine, it truly is not. His optimism and positivity are a part of his identity and influence many of his choices. The expansion of his personality throughout the novel helped progress the theme.

Over the course of We Are Made of Molecules, the theme 'appearances can be misleading' is developed, and the effect of identity on personal perspectives Nielson utilizes different characters to demonstrate the meaning of the theme, as well as identity. In the period of time that is described in the novel, both protagonists go through major changes to lifestyles and even their personalities. Through the use of contrasting viewpoints, unique characters, and a valuable theme, Nielsen constructs an artful piece about identity and individuality.

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