Mother Analysis In The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 802
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 April 2021

Rosemary is a terrible Mother Because she let her three-year-old daughter get burned while cooking hotdogs. On page 9, Jeanette is boiling dogs in the kitchen while Rosemary is in the next room painting. Jeanette was three years old, living in the desert. Her house is a trailer, and she was wearing her favorite dress. Jeanette threw a hotdog to her dog Juju so he can eat it. While Jeanette stirred the hot dogs, she felt a blaze of fire. When she saw it, she screamed and inhaled the smoke and heard the crackling sound. Jeanette said, ¨Mommy, help me!¨ Jeanette was shouting for her Mom's help. Rosemary rushed to the room and brought a blanket so the flames would die out. She then brought Jeanette outside to call their neighbor, who had a car to use. This quote shows that every other Mom that she cares for her child. The neighbor promptly took Jennette to the hospital, where they put bandages on her. This is Rosemary's mistake because she is being irresponsible and ignores what her daughter is doing. Suppose She was in the hospital for weeks. She had to change her bandages every several days. 

Around this time is when Jeanette burned herself and what Rosemary did during that time. Rosemary, on page 13, told Jeanette that she put her name in a raffle at a local fair, and Jeanette won. Jeanette was amazed that she was going to go on a helicopter ride. Jeanette asked, "When do I get to go on the ride?"  Rosemary replied, "oh, we already did that," "It was fun." The quote shows that Rosemary is an inadequate mother. The reason why is because She told her daughter that she won a ticket to ride a helicopter, but alternatively, Rosemary used the helicopter ride for herself because she is parsimonious. This quote represents that Rosemary is selfish, and she only cares for her desires and not what her kids want. 

Momentarily, a couple of years later, when the family moves to Welch. On page 237, Before Jeanette leaves Welch to go to New York City, Lori (her older sister) lives. Rosemary agreed for her to go. Rosemary is sad and starts packing up Jeanette's clothes. Jeanette talked about her leaving for New York, and Rosemary said, "Fine. go." Jeanette was perplexed and thought that Rosemary was sad about her leaving. Rosemary replied, "I'm  not upset because I'll miss you," I'm upset because you get to go to New York, and I'm stuck here. It's not fair." This quote confirms that she does not care what happens to her daughters but what happens to her. Rosemary does not care about their happiness, but she is jealous that her child gets to live in New York while she has to stay in Welch. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs shows that Jeanette's motives for going to New York are to have a good job, enough food, and have her apartment. The other motive is to improve her self-esteem, one of the essential stages of Maslow's hierarchy. On page 209, Rosemary got a chance to build her self-esteem while going back to college to renew her teaching degree.  

On pages 272 to 273, Rosemary asks Jeanette for money. The reason why Rosemary needed the money was so she could buy her late brother's land. 

This whole conversation shows that Rosemary is a terrible mom. The reason how is because she asked her daughter for a million dollars so that she can buy the other half of her Mom (Jeanette's grandmother). Rosemary And Uncle Jim's land are the same sizes, so the entire land is worth 2 million dollars in total. She could have used the land to do farming. Rosemary could have sold the land and used the money to build the glass castle or pay their bills.  In Maslow's hierarchy, the second level is safety needs, job, money, and property. This information tells us that Rosemary wants her brother's land not to keep it in the family but also to keep her safe. This evidence in total tells us that Rosemary is selfish and does not try to contribute to the family but just to hurt them.

I believe that Rosemary is a lousy mother because she stole a helicopter ride that Jeanette won, not her. Rosemary started crying because she was jealous that she got to go to New York while staying in Welch. Finally, Rosemary asked Jeanette for money to buy her brother's land, which is the same size as hers and is worth 2 million dollars. All this time, while the whole family is suffering financially, she could have fixed that. Rosemary, compared to Rex, Rex is a better parent because he tries to help his family. Even though he is an alcoholic, he stopped caring for his desires and helped his family. On the other hand, Rosemary has done nothing to help support the family, and she has only been caring for her needs and not her children. In conclusion, Rosemary has done nothing to make the world a better place for her kids, and that is why I think she is a terrible parent.

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