Sir Gawain is the Better Knight in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight Essay Example

📌Category: Poems
📌Words: 391
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Sir Gawain is a knight for King Authur. They all accept a challenge in a beheading game against the Green Knight. The Green Knight says that whoever hits him with the ax, will give his ax for the man to keep. Sir Gawain lives up to a knight's code of chivalry, and that chivalry is loyalty, courage, and courtesy. In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, Sir Gawain is the better knight because he is wise, loyal to his family and friends, and kind.

Sir Gawain is better than the Green Knight because he is wise. The text states “‘My lady gay, I can hardly take gifts at the moment; having nothing to give, I’d be wrong to take gifts in turn.’ She implored him again, still more earnestly, but again he refused it and swore on his knighthood that he could take nothing” (Sir Gawain 195). This evidence proves that Sir Gawain is a better Knight because he is refusing all of the gifts that Lady B is showering him with. Another example of Sir Gawain being wise is “Then Gawain, at Guinevere’s side, Made to the King a sign: ‘I beseech you, Sire,’ he said, ‘Let this game be mine’” (Sir Gawain 115). Gawain is being wise here because he is showing the Green Knight that he is not scared and that he will play to protect King Authur. The characteristic that makes Sir Gawain better is that he is very wise. 

Sir Gawain is better than the Green Knight because he is loyal to his family and friends. The text says “Sir Gawain laid hold of the ax and he hefted it high, His pivot foot thrown forward before him on the floor, And then, swiftly, he slashed at the nacked neck” (Sir Gawain 145). Gawain is showing that he is loyal to his uncle, King Authur because he stepped up and took on the challenge instead of his uncle having to. “As the end of the year approaches, Gawain leaves on his quest to find the Green Chapel and fulfill his pledge. After riding through wild country and encountering many dangers, he comes upon a splendid castle. The lord of the castle welcomes Gawain and invites him to stay with him and his lady for a few days” (Sir Gawain 185). Here Gawain is being loyal to the Green Knight by upholding his promise to find the Green Chapel. Therefore, Sir Gawain is better than the Green Knight because he is loyal to his family and friends.

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