Who Is Responsible For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

đź“ŚCategory: Literature, Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
đź“ŚWords: 393
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 01 June 2021

“Suicide always comes from love.”Once was said by an unknown author. These teenagers in the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare display that they make many poor choices. Who knows if they are the cause of their own death. There are many options. Romeo and Juliet, two young adults get married when they meet, even though they shouldn’t. Their families hate eachother, but they can’t let go of eachother. When two teenagers commit suicide, it seems strange to blame someone. In reality, it was only love and themselves.

Juliet was clearly the reason for Romeo’s death for many reasons. There are so many reasons for Romeo’s death but, one example is what Romeo says right before he kills himself. He states, “I will kiss thy lips; Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, To make die with a restorative.” When he says, “I will kiss thy lips.” He talks about Juliet. He only cares about Juliet. His love is too strong. He can not think about anything else if it isn’t Juliet. This simply proves how much he cared about Juliet. Romeo’s last couple of words were about Juliet. If Juliet never “died,” Rome would have never killed himself. When Juliet wakes up to see the love of her life dead, he isn’t only the love of her life, but also the cause of her life.

Juliet died because Romeo died. Her love for Romeo was way too strong, causing her death. When Juliet wakes up from her sleeping potion, the first thing she does is kiss him. She finds out he drank poison though. He had killed himself because he thought she died. She then kills herself to see Romeo. It is so obvious why Juliet killed herself. The first thing she did was kiss him. That was all she cared about. It seems like love is always alive no matter what. Basically, Juliet’s love for Romeo was almost indestructible. Without hesitating, she stabbed herself right in the stomach, all for the love of her life Romeo.

When two teenagers are in such an extreme relationship and lose each other, they will do anything to see eachother again. Many people have different opinions on who caused Romeo and Juliet’s death. With all this evidence, it is quite obvious who caused their death. “Love lives longer than death.” Once was said by a poet in the 1800s. Both Romeo and Juliet are dead, but their love will carry on for eternity up above. That is why they killed themselves, to see eachother again.

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