Violence and Racism in Modern Society Essay Example

📌Category: Racism, Social Issues, Violence
📌Words: 1294
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 24 May 2021

Violence and Racism have become a huge issue and it's being forgotten. It's like the issue is a bee sting and what you feel after is pain but as time goes by the pain is forgotten because it's not “important”. As time goes by a certain question pops up, Is history behind the racism and violence that minorities face? For starters, there are many social justice issues that are yet to be spoken about and the lack of context on those issues has caused a negative impact to the world today. One main issue that has not been resolved is racism and violence that minorities face on a daily basis.  Ultimately, history has led to many issues unresolved due to how it is portrayed and taught differently by each race. Also, because of how inconsistent the facts are over time which caused everyone's mentality to think that if it can not be resolved we must continue with a history of violence and racism.

Many events have occurred which led to the start of discussing the violence and racism against Minorities. In the source,“Violence in the Media Reflects the Violence in Society” the author said, “ 21-year-old white-supremacist multikiller Benjamin Smith … that Smith was driven to shoot minorities in the Midwest over the July 4, 1999, weekend—six Orthodox Jews, at least three blacks, two Asians—because political correctness prevented him from expressing his racial theories verbally”(Pollit).Which is an example of the violence that erupted against minorities. This also shows that violence is always a go to when a problem about minorities occurs. To further express how violence and racism have risen against minorities, the essay “American society teaches everyone to be racist – but you can rewrite subconscious stereotypes” stated “ A great deal of attention has been paid to the rates at which police officers kill minorities. In the U.S., police shoot and kill Black people at two and a half times the rate at which they kill white people, and the disparity between Latinos and whites is nearly as high, about 1.8 times more frequent” (Waddle, Pipitone, Nathan). Which reveals those  minorities are being killed by authority figures and nothing is being done to lessen it. For example, George Floyds death has caused a great deal of disagreement but has not been resolved. Also, it communicates that everyone is against one another. Overall, there's a lot of disagreement about certain events which led to a rise in violence and racism as if history is repeating itself. 

Since history has grown with new events like the Black lives matter movement and the rise in violence against Asians it has caused many to start hating one another because of how they were taught and also how it was perceived in the media. On the website “Historical Foundations of Race” stated “The term “race,” used infrequently before the 1500s, was used to identify groups of people with a kinship or group connection. The modern-day use of the term “race” (identifying groups of people by physical traits, appearance, or characteristics) is a human invention” (NMAAHC).Which helps determine that the term race has different developing meanings from a certain part of history. Also, it reveals that this whole ordeal about race was made by humans so basically the people are at fault. To continue, In the viewpoint essay “American society teaches everyone to be racist – but you can rewrite subconscious stereotypes” stated “Racism is so deeply interwoven into the nation's culture that it is embedded in the neural processors inside our skulls. This is true for minorities and nonminorities alike. Racism subconsciously affects the way we view other humans and perniciously affects people of color”(Waddel, Pipitone, Nathan). What they are saying helps back up that humans are the main cause that racism has become a huge issue. In addition, it establishes that our neural processors are behind on how people are categorized. In conclusion, as history changed minorities were faced with a ton violence and racism. The reason behind this is due to how race was created by humans as a category and has since then been perceived in different neural processors.

As previously stated in the paragraph above, humans are the main cause of how race has been seen but what fuels the continuation is how some information is misleading which causes a huge difference on how history is taught and perceived. According to the Viewpoint essay, “Violence in the Media Reflects the Violence in Society” it stated “The government is not about to censor pop culture, a huge commercial enterprise, any more than it's about to enact real checks on guns, another huge commercial enterprise. And there's another problem with fighting media violence. You wouldn't know this from the way the issue is presented by proponents of media uplift, but most Americans don't disapprove of the current media fare—they love it!”(Pollitt). It communicates that the reason why people are struggling to comply with violence is not key is because of how many see it as entertainment. It also shows how the people with more power that could stop the violence are avoiding it because they see it as a form of getting money because the media are drawing the people's attention with incorrect facts on the issue.  To back up Pollitt’s statement, the viewpoint essay “American society teaches everyone to be racist – but you can rewrite subconscious stereotypes” states “Schemas are grounded in cultural teachings. They're nurtured by your upbringing, your educators, your mentors, the movies and shows you watch, and your physical surroundings”(Waddel, Pipitone, Nathan). In other words, schema is a form of way to categorize certain things in society with stereotypes. This helps Pollitt’s statement on how certain tainted facts can affect how some view the violence outbreak and takes a different definition from it . This also provides us with a foundation that schemas play a huge role on how everything is categorized in different points of views in society. To sum up, Progress with solving the issue has decreased bit by bit due to misinformation in the media and how certain aspects of how it is perceived has caused it to be like that.

There are many things that can be done to resolve the issue but the success is slim due to the lack of cooperation amongst everyone. In the magazine “The disturbing Resilience of Scientific Racism” it stated “Scientific research has struggled with concepts of race for centuries, often proposing misleading or erroneous explanations of racial differences”(Skibba). The author is saying that as time advanced in the scientific world scientists began to come up with all sorts of information on the topic of race. In addition, this information implies an understanding that since older people are in the scientific field at the moment their judgment and opinion are affecting the facts that are being received at this very moment which is affecting the success of lessening the racism and violence that minorities face. The website “Historical Foundations of Race” stated “ Having “whiteness” meant having clear rights in the society while not being white signified your freedoms, rights, and property were unstable, if not, nonexistent. Ironically, Jefferson and Locke also both made arguments for the idea of inferior “races,” thereby supporting the development of the United States’ culture of racism”(NMAAHC). This exhibits that what Jefferson and Locke did has caused the issue of racism to progress with violence after their time. Also, it reveals that since what happened in history it has now caused America to be viewed as a place where only whites excel in the country. As expressed, the issue of violence and racism against minorities has a slim chance of change due to how history has set it up to be and how true information is being hidden.

In conclusion, one main issue that has caused a number of emotions in the United States is the violence and racism that minorities face on a daily basis. Since, there are many unresolved issues and many of those issues occur due to the social construct. Some have yet to be solved due to how information is exaggerated and taught which led to many believing there is no hope in resolving the issues. But what can be done is taking the time to cooperate with one another, not letting the media blind the real fact about someone's race, and instead of making assumptions try learning for once.

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