Vaping Should Be Illegal Argumentative Essay Sample

📌Category: Addiction, Health
📌Words: 416
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 July 2022

Nicotine addiction is something that has been prevalent to society for years now. The concern regarding this topic is gaining more awareness.  We have seen it before with cigarettes, now we just added an E in front. This subject brings a lot of unknowns and different opinions, making it a popular debate. Although cigarette usage is less common, vapes are a booming industry that claim to solve problems they are not, in fact, addressing. Lawmakers should ban vapes because there is not enough research behind them, it doesn’t prevent nor stop nicotine addiction or health complications, and it would avert vapes being as accessible to minors. 

To begin, there is not enough research made on vapes. As stated in source one paragraph four, “E-cigarette devices contain metal which can show up in vapor as particles small enough to be breathed in. The level of danger remains unclear.” To elaborate, we do not know the side effects or health complications E-cigs could have. We need to learn from the past, because, just like cigarettes when they came out, the repercussions are unknown, but could be deadly.

In addition, It is not effective in stopping nicotine addiction or health complications.

According to the article, ‘Issue Overview: E-cigarettes’,  “These findings are consistent with other studies that have found that rather than helping people quit smoking, e-cigarettes may actually make it harder for smokers to quit.” To explain, The vape industry claims to help smokers but there is proof to support otherwise. E-cigarettes do not help people with a smoking addiction, and could literally do the opposite. 

Some may say that vapes should not be banned. They insist this limitation should only apply to minors. This is a good concept, but vapes being available to adults leaves a large gap of accessibility to minors we see nowadays with alcohol and even drugs . As it states in Source two paragraph 9 “More than 16 million children can legally buy e-cigs and administer unspecified amounts of nicotine to themselves”. To further explain, minors would still have access to a device that we have little research on. They would be self-administering an addictive source. This can affect the way minors develop and create a dependency at such an early age, that is why making it illegal for minors only is not a solution. 

To summarize, vapes should be made illegal because there is not enough research behind them, they do not stop nicotine addiction or health complications, and are being made more accessible to children. We need to bring awareness to the consequences vapes could have,and how they could affect future generations. We should not shame anyone struggling with an addiction, but try to help in any way possible.

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