The Women's Rights Movement Essay Sample

📌Category: History, Social Issues, Social Movements, Women's Rights
📌Words: 579
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 23 July 2022


You may have heard of women's rights but do you really know what has happened? The women's rights movement is one that has continued to grow and change. From the right to vote to the needs of women today,  many organizations and people have helped women through this struggle. 

How did women start voting?

One of the events on women's rights started with voting. You may wonder why they started protesting and that they were fine without voting. For a while women didn’t have the right to vote and the woman wanted that to change. The first protest was in Philadelphia 1917 and were making their way to protest in front of the White House  the men were not having it. Not one of the men liked it and were all against it “the majority of the men opposed the idea of allowing women to vote”. All thought it didn't stop the woman from fighting for their rights.  Later it was passed as the nineteenth amendment in 1920 and is still followed 50 years later with marching bands and fund rallies to show our appreciation. The women really had to fight for their freedom and we’re going around to do parades, pageants, and street speaking to spread awareness! So I think that the protest of 1917 was a big fight for women and was also known as “The Silent Sentinels”. ”Life is a hard battle  anyway. If we catch and sing a little as we fight the  good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life’s light to be determined by the darkness around me”(Susan B Anthony).

How did women get to pick what job they want? 

One of the next events in women's rights was a fight for women to get the right to do the job that they want! This all started in 1960 and at first it really failed. However, during the mid-1970s, “Aconservative backlash against feminism eroded support for the Equal Rights Amendment, which ultimately failed to achieve ratification by the a requisite 38, or three-fourths, of the states”. Even though this was 50 years ago it is still happening today and there are still 12 states that have not accepted ERA (Equal Rights Amendment). “ All the 12 states have opposed ERA and think that how men and women have different jobs is how they want to keep it”. I think women in all these states are still trying to fight buy doing walks to spread awareness and hanging us posters. All these things help women have equal rights. 

Organizations and People

One of the other events is the associations and organizations that have started to help women's rights over the years.  The biggest association was the National Woman’s Suffrage Association (NWSA) that started in 1869 and there were many leaders in this group such as Susan B Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. All these women had a very special job during this. Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were the learners of the association and would travel the world to deliver speeches and try to change many people's minds. “I declare to you that a woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand” (Susan B Anthony). Then for Lucretia Mott was a feminist activist and strong advocate for the ending of slavery and all the woman that were apart of this were protesting and changing minds about woman’s rights. So all the women in this all had an amazing job in women's rights. "We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men and women are created equal” (Elizabeth Cady Stanton).

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