The Playground by Beverley Naidoo Analysis

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 316
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 May 2021

The extract from the Beverley Naidoo’s story “The Playground” tells the story of a young black girl (Rosa) and her mother not being accepted in their community, thus leading to the young black protagonist being discriminated against in her school institution and people not willing to allow her to attend the educational institution considering she is a person of color. This characterization will be addressing Rosa’s mother.  

Rosa’s mother whose name isn’t mentioned is a strong woman of color who mothers young Rosa. After a couple of thorough evaluation, one could stereotypically say that her small family isn’t financially stable. Her level of education isn’t made exactly clear but I will like to elaborate that Rosa’s mother doesn’t have any or a high level of education thus, encouraging Rosa to attain any level of education available.  

Rosa’s mother utters just a few words indirectly on (L. 24-25) which she talks about how the “white” headteacher’s unwillingness to admit her child but has to, to avoid negative consequences from the government. Fast forward to (L.39-40) this concerned mother advises her child on how she should never give anyone the chance to take away her identity from her. With this, this mother doesn’t want her child to lose herself, for example her morals and principles as a result of the change of environment and crowd and be proud of who she is as a person (person of color). 

Although this mother, utters few words she uses body language to express her support and presence in her child’s recent situation. For example, on (L.56) she squeezes Rosa’s hand to signify her presence and to make Rosa feel safe. She supports Rosa and encourages her which gives Rosa a sense of safety.  

To sum up everything that has been stated so far, I would prefer to claim, Rosa’s mother feels like it’s her responsibility to assist Rosa to attain the highest form of education she can and also to encourage Rosa to benefit from advantages she did not have growing up.

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