Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba Analysis Essay

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 1356
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 06 June 2021

Have you ever witnessed a parent have to bury their child as a result of an early, savage death, which they know was caused by the hands of a vicious and cruel murderer? Have you ever seen a serial killer outlive the victims of their crimes by decades? In our modern world, violent crime rates have increased significantly. Innocent lives are at risk every day with no motive aside from an evil criminal’s lack of empathy and twisted mind. Women, children, the elderly, everyone is a potential target to a criminal. They don’t care about what happens to you or your family as a result of their actions, and everyday more and more violent crimes are being committed. There are so many free criminals roaming our world that you’ve likely passed killer on the street multiple times without realizing it. Every day one can look to the news to find a new victim of murder or rape, which is often followed by the eerie knowledge that the culprit is still roaming about. It's about time we stop these monsters once and for all to protect ourselves and our future generations.  

Tsugumi Ohba’s famous manga and anime Death Note has risen in fame since its debut in 2003. The story follows a high school boy named Light Yagami who comes across a mysterious notebook. He soon discovers that this notebook has the ability to kill anyone whose name is written in the book in any way that is specified. Light begins to use this book to target criminals. He starts locally, but soon expands his abilities throughout Japan. After some research on the news, he decides who he thinks should deserve to live based on their criminal actions. The National Police Agency (NPA) discovers that someone consistent is killing these criminals, and they seek to find this person and arrest them for their crimes. The show continues to follow Light as he tries to evade the police, which is notably run by his father, as he balances the weight of his newfound responsibility and pursues a goal of creating a perfect society. 

This anime brought upon a moral debate between viewers. Was Light Yagami justified in mass murder at the expense of only those who have committed heinous crimes? The answer: of course, he was. In fact, the boy should be considered an international hero. He single handedly rid the world of the worst of our kind. People who commit crimes with no remorse and continue to corrupt our society are a waste of space and air that could be used to aid essential members like our doctors and lawyers. We have entire police forces and authority figures who dedicate their lives to catching the criminals and felons of this world, and many of them have lost their lives in the process. Light Yagami took the danger out of the chase. He can do the job while being at the comfort of his own home. The National Police Agency clearly has their priorities out of line if Light is the one they chase when there are millions of murders and thieves out there. Instead of focusing on the negatives, take a moment to realize that the work of Light Yagami could only benefit this world, and we should recognize his heroic actions instead of antagonize him. Statistically, the Death Note is our best option to handle the criminals of this world. 

Thanks to the work of Light Yagami, crime rates in Japan decreased significantly. With the flick of a pen, he made those who committed crimes disappear. Light Yagami doesn’t get to pursue his dream of creating a criminal-free world, as in the end he is shot in killed, but if he were to continue, he could have rid his country of crime completely. The ones who were stealing, murdering, and assaulting were being exterminated like bugs, as they should have been much earlier, and those who might have been considering such acts would comply to the law out of fear of their life. These two tactics would have rid Japan, and potentially the world, of the crime we have grown so accustomed to. Our world has had to adapt to criminals by creating security systems and carrying weapons in the event of an attack. Using the death note would leave the world with only the best of people to run and inhabit it, riding us of many stresses in life. With the help of the Death Note, these problems would be no more, which the police failed to recognize. 

Light Yagami could have also aided the world when it comes to the issue of overpopulation. It’s no secret that the population of Earth is growing faster than people are dying. With new technology and medical knowledge, people can live longer and more births can be done successfully. This may seem like a wonderful thing, which one could easily argue it to be, but soon enough our world will no longer be able to hold us all. Organizations like NASA have already begun programs to try to discover and inhabit other Earth-like planets, like Mars, so that we have a place to go when Earth runs out of space. Some might argue that this problem isn’t something for us to worry about, but we have to start finding solutions now in order for our new generations to be prepared. With the use of the death note, Light Yagami could solve this issue very easily and quickly. In many countries, like Venezuela and Nigeria, criminals make up over 50 percent of their total population. Killing off these criminals would not only make the world a safer place, but it would also be a reliable solution to halt the overpopulation of Earth until we can discover more permanent options. It could almost double the amount of time our planet is predicted to have left, and the lowering of our population could also help reduce the abundance of pollution corrupting our planet. When thinking about the safety of our future, sacrifices will be needed. Who better to sacrifice than those that only cause our home harm?  

When it comes to overpopulation, the world isn’t our only concern. Think a little smaller for a moment. For many years a pressing matter has been how our jails and penitentiaries are being overflowed with new criminals each year. More criminals are being discovered faster than we can make room for them. Killing these felons with the death note would open space in these facilities, making them safer and more habitable for the ones who have committed smaller crimes and are not past the point of redemption. That is what many of these facilities are made for: redemption. Why not get rid of those who are beyond such a task? Irredeemable criminals are a waste of time and space that is better off offered to those who could turn into useful members of society.   

Using the Death Note would also eliminate the risk of a captured criminal escaping custody, which has happened several times before. Humans aren’t perfect creatures, so mistakes are bound to be made. Take Ted Bundy, for example. After he was caught for his numerous murders, he escaped by jumping out a library window of the building the police were holding him, which was not being guarded or secured properly. After he was caught a second time, he escaped custody once again by starving himself so that he could fit into a hole in the ceiling of his cell. Both times the serial killer escaped he was able to continue murdering innocent young women. These murders could have been avoided. If our criminals, like Ted Bundy, were to be eliminated by the Death Note, there would be no more opportunity for crime or potential of escape.  

Think about it. By using the Death Note Light Yagami was able to eliminate the scum of the Earth. People who don’t contribute to society, only hurt it, don’t deserve to benefit from it. Criminals walk our streets and take our lives without a second thought. Killing them through the Death Note is the only reliable solution to solve crime. Some, like the NPA, think that these criminals deserve to live, but why should we care about their lives when they so easily disregarded ours? Killing off these criminals have more statistical benefits like solving crime rates, overpopulation, and repeated offense, and these murderers, rapists, etc., and they would finally pay for their crimes. Our criminals have the luxury of rotting in prison cells for years to come, which simply cannot suffice. Death is the ultimate punishment, especially to those who continue to taint our society. Not to mention, its much quicker and less expensive than a lethal injection. 

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