The Pigs' Quest for Control in Animal Farm by George Orwell

📌Category: Animal Farm, Books, George Orwell, Literature
📌Words: 514
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 June 2021

In Animal Farm the pigs are interpreted as the “villain.” taking control over the farm by using the weapons in their arsenal such as when Napoleon exploits his guard dogs so the others would fear him. But by far their most powerful weapon during the entire story was their words. A perfect portrayal of this is Squealer. Many times over squealer has proven to be a master of manipulation, and moreover uses his incredible talent with words to glorify the truth and fool the other animals into not questioning them. 

At the beginning of the rebellion the pigs, specifically Snowball, and Napoleon were elected the unofficial rulers of the farm. Afterwards apples and milk suddenly started to vanish without a trace. Later on it was uncovered that the pigs were taking them. They tried to lie about the situation until squealer showed up. Squealer convince the others that the pigs did not like milk and apples but it was essential for them to have them because according to squealer “Milk and apples contain substances that are absolutely necessary for the well being of pigs” (George Orwell page 23). To furthermore prove his point he mentioned that it had been proven by science. Afterwards no one questioned about the missing rations again. In my opinion squealer did this to pin himself and the other pigs as the victims instead of the other animals.   

After the banishment of Snowball Napoleon became the one and only ruler of the farm. Even though Napoleon had been ruler right alongside Snowball, nobody really trusted him. Maybe it was because he wasn't as outgoing as Snowball or because he had chased Snowball out of the farm, but it didn't matter because within minutes Squealer had already persuaded the other animals into accepting Napoleon as their one and only leader . During the time of Napoleon's rule squealer became his second in command. He improved his relationships with the other animals and gained their trust. If and when Napoleon did something questionable, Squealer was always there ready to resolve the situation. 

Many times over the pigs have been caught red handed breaking the 7 commandments. Consequently this leads to the other animals questioning and losing faith in them. As à result many of the animals wanted to confront the pig. But before anyone could, Squealer stepped in. Squealer, instead overlooking it like all the other pigs convinced the others that their memories of the commandments were incorrect. He even went as far as to  explained how they didn't break any of the “commandments,” for instance when the pigs moved into the farmhouse they broke the commandment that stated that no animal shall sleep in à bed, but Squealer persuaded them into thinking it said “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” He changed the commandment and convinced the others that they just remembered it wrong. This act was easy for Squealer because he had already gained the trust of the animals.  

Without Squealer the pigs would have most likely been exiled or overthrown by the other animals, but thanks to Squealer most if not all the animals trusted the pigs with no doubts.fear will only go so far but words go so much farther and that is why Squealer will always and forever be there most powerful weapon.

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