The Impacts of Catherine the Great Essay Example

📌Category: Historical Figures, History, Russian Empire
📌Words: 665
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 30 July 2022

In September 1762 Catherine was crowned in Moscow. Catherine had a very enjoyable presence from here being lively, intelligent, and having positive energy. However, she was a harsh ruler that threatened other greater powers around the globe. Catherine was a great leader because of her achievements she was able to expand the Russian territory and geat great benefits from it. Because she cared about her citizens she also involved herself so that they could have better housing and even education for girls. However, even with Catharine's great successes she still had her fallbacks.

Catherine the Great was Russia's leader for 34 years. Being 34 years in power was the longest-ruling period for a female ruler. Her reign was called the Catherine era and was often considered the golden age of the Russian empire. She has made some impressive and amazing accomplishments within years. She expanded Russia more than 200,000 square miles west and southward. The Russian ruler's dreams came alive because of Catherine the Great. She optand the Bosporus Strait. The Bosporus Strait was such an achievement of its own because it influenced more trade and because it was a continental boundary between Asia and Europe. Also, it's important because in the future it will help with transporting oil, one of Russia's main goods. This was one of the main stepping stones for trade. Even after Peter the Great's death Catherine continued to have good relations with Russia's allies (France and Austria) Catherine also realized that having the black sea was a massive benefit for transportation however it was controlled by the ottoman empire. Because they wanted access to the black see this led to a series of Russo-Turkish wars. The wars ended with the treaty of Küçük Kaynarca. This led to the Russians having access to the black sea and being able to transport across it.

Even though Catherine the great had her accomplishments she did also have her fallbacks.

One of them happened to be her attempts at reform. She had noticed that the reforms that were trying to take place didn’t work in Russia. These reforms were advocated by Montesquieu or Jean-Jacques Rousseau. These reforms that were being put out by them also showed that the rest of the European countries did not seem to like the idea of them either. After Catharine's failed attempts at reform she went on to have war with Turkey. However, this seemed to work in her favor because the Ottoman Empire was an enemy of Russia so it brought out Patriotism in her citizens.

Some of Catherine the Great's successes were not just for the country or for improving the economy. Some of her successes were for her citizens. “At the end of her reign, Catherine claimed that she had reorganized 29 provinces under her administrative reform plan…. More than a hundred new towns were built; old ones were expanded and renovated.” What she did for her citizens by helping them rebuild the town shows us a lot about who she was as a person. If she completely neglected her citizens she would be a selfish and bad leader. Another reason why Catherine was a great leader to her citizens was that she “Founded the country's first state-funded school for women drafted in her legal code, and promoted a national system of education.” The school for women was such a big accomplishment because during that time women weren't treated the same as males so they didn't have the same education right. And because it was state-funded that means the school was entirely paid for so they wouldn't have to pay for an education. The national system of education is also important for its citizens because it ensures that everyone gets the education they need.

The impact that Catherine the Great had was significant because of her accomplishments and love for her people. She was able to expand Russia more than 200,000 square miles west and southward and she was able to obtain the Bosporus Strait which helped with transporting goods. She also led several wars against the ottoman empire to gain access to the black sea for transportation. She was able to have a lasting impact on economics and trade and have the first formal education instruction for females in Russia. Because of her reign, Russia's economic transportation thrived and their education did as well.

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