The Feud of the Montagues and the Capulets in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 451
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 August 2022

There once was a war between two families. The feud happened in the book Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. The Montagues, Lord Montague, Lady Montague, and Romeo. The Capulets, Lord Capulet, Lady Capulet, and Juliet. The Montagues had a son named Romeo who was in love with Juliet which she was in the Capulet family but the two families did not know that they were in love. Lord Capulet wanted Juliet to marry Paris but Lord Capulet only said that because he did not know Romeo and Juliet were married. Romeo and Juliet both could have just told their parents that they were in love and none of this would have happened but since the family had a feud they could not. The feud of The Montagues and The Capulets caused the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet.

It is the feud of the parents fault for the tragic end of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet loved each other and thought they were perfect for each other. The parents of each family did not know they were in love. The feud between the two families caused Romeo and Juliet to have a tragic ending, “The narrator explains that the play will be about a feud between the two families (the Capulets and the Montagues). In addition, the narrator says that the feud will end in tragedy”(Shakespeare I.Prologue.992). With the feud between the two families going on throughout the whole book makes Romeo and Juliet scared to tell their families about their marriage. The battle between the two families caused the play to end in a tragedy by Juliet not wanting to tell her parents about the marriage even when her dad, Lord Capulet, wanted her to marry Paris. She did not want to marry Paris so she faked her death. Her family felt for her faked death and they put her in a tomb and then Romeo goes to visit Juliet. Juliet then realizes that Romeo killed himself with poison.

“Juliet. What’s here? A cup, closed in my true love’s hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end. O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop To help me after? I will kiss thy lips. Haply some poison yet doth hang on them To make me die with a restorative. [kisses him] Thy lips are warm! 

Chief Watchman. [within] Lead, boy. Which way? 

Juliet. O happy dagger! [snatches Romeo’s dagger] This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die. [She stabs herself and falls]”(Shakespeare V.iii.1097-1098). 

Romeo thought Juliet was actually dead so he killed himself. Juliet then woke up and then noticed he was dead and then she stabbed herself with his dagger. This caused the parents of both families to end their feud. They will have gold statues for both Romeo and Juliet. This is why it is the feud of the parents fault for the tragic end of Romeo and Juliet.

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