Romeo's Impulsive Decisions in Romeo and Juliet Essay Example

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 706
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 21 July 2022

In the story “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare, two characters are deeply in love with each other. Would do anything for each other. Throughout Romeo and Juliet Romeo is a static character, staying consistent in his impulsiveness. Romeo cares so much for his loved ones. His priority is them over himself, and would absolutely do anything for them. Romeo is impulsive. He only thinks about himself and his love for Juliet and doesn’t overthink any situation that he goes through. After Romeo asks Friar Laurence for him to marry Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence thinks it's a great idea because it might break the ice between two families, but it might completely go otherwise and make them even madder but Romeo makes his decisions fast so he didn’t think about that. “Bid her devise some means to come to shrift this afternoon and there she shall at Friar Laurence cell be shriven and married. Here is for thy pains.” (2.4.155-158). Romeo made a decision of marrying Juliet within the 12 hours of meeting her in person, and without thinking about the Capulet and Montague being enemies all he cared about was himself and Juliet. He didn’t think through it enough and made his mind up really quick. Juliet starts thinking if it's a good idea to marry Romeo or not. The nurse thinks Juliet probably is overthinking the whole situation so she says what she personally thinks about Romeo, which is that he’s an honest gentleman, kind, handsome, and courteous. Nurse and Juliet hence Friar Laurence’s cell so he could make her and Romeo's husband and wife. “So smile the heavens upon this holy act that after-hours with sorrow chide us not”. (2.6.1-2). They hope they get blessed with their act of getting married and not regret it later on in their life. Romeo and Juliet are so happy that they both got to marry the person they love, they have so much love for each other that they hope nothing can take their love away from each other and that they will be blessed with their decision. By the middle of the play, Romeo has fully established himself as impulsive. After Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo gets really angry and goes to find Tybalt. Romeo and Tybalt get in a fight. “Romeo, away, be gone! The citizens are up and Tybalt was slain. (3.1.125-126). Benvolio was trying to help Romeo not get caught in the murder scene, so he told him to run away. Now that Tybalt was dead the citizens were looking for the murderer if they find out it was Romeo he would be in some big trouble. Citizens asked which way did the murderer run, but Benvolio didn't tell the truth. The citizens, Lady Capulet, and Prince were questioning who did this but Benvolio was lying and trying to convince them that Tybalt started the bloody fray and that it wasn't the murderer's fault.” Tybalt, my cousin! O my brother's child!” (3.1.139). Tybalt died in Lady Capulet's hands. Romeo didn't think through how Juliet would feel about her cousin's death but after Juliet finds out about the fight and how it ended she chooses her husband over her cousin. Love makes someone so dumb to the point they might even give up on their own lives for the person they love. As Romeo kills Paris he asks to be laid next to Juliet and he allows it. Romeo carries Paris into the tomb. “Thus with a kiss I die” (5.3.120). After Juliet gets up he wonders where Romeo is and she sees that he is laying down next to her. Juliet is shocked and does not know how she is gonna live without him. So she decides that she's gonna commit suicide next to Romeo her lover. She sees the cup with the poison in Romeo’s hands and gives him one last kiss to taste the poison but she does not taste it. Juliet says his lips are warm. “This is thy sheath; they rust, and let me die.” (5.3.170). Since she could not poison herself by kissing him, she stabs herself and falls next to Romeo. Neither Romeo nor Juliet overthinks any situation they do what comes to their mind at the moment. In the end, how Romeo killed himself without actually doing any research on if Juliet was actually dead proves that he's impulsive. None of this would've happened if Romeo waited a little longer and made sure she was completely dead. Because of Romeo and his impulsiveness now he and Juliet are both dead.

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