Romeo Character Analysis Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 514
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 06 August 2022

Nedia Cambell once said “what once was had, forever lost; thy fate is destined, thy love star-crossed”. Shakespears Romero and Julliette revolves around Romeo Montague, the protagonist, who finds himself in love with Juliet Capulet, The Montague's main enemy. The star-crossed lovers are sure they want to spend their lives together and are willing to take whatever risks necessary. Although Romeo has undeniable characteristics of a hero, his carelessness and impulsivity can cause him to be a villain. Both Rome's determination and impulsivity lead to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet.

Romeo's most important character trait is his determination and his trust in fate. One example of this is after Romeo is banished from Verona for killing Tybalt, he is still worried and caring for Juliet, exclaiming “Where is she? And how doth she? And what says my concealed lady to our canceled love?” (III.III.95). This quote shows how in all the chaos and tragedy in his life the one thing that remains is his love for Juliet. This quote proves that Romeo's undying love for Juliet is stronger than any misfortunes that might come their way.

Another one of Romeo's worst qualities is his impulsiveness. An example of this occurs when he finds out Juliet is dead. As a result of the news, he impulsively e decided to go to the cemetery and kill himself next to her.. “Thou know’st my lodging. Get me ink and paper, And hire post horses. I will hence tonight”(V.IThe 25). In this quote, Romeo immediately prepares to return to Verona the second he got news of Juliet's death. The reason his impulsiveness is negative in this quote is that if he were patient and thought about it for a second it would have been long enough for Juliet to wake up and both of their deaths would have been prevented. This quote shows how without a second thought Romeo went back to the city he was formerly banished from and let the adrenaline take over.

Both Romeo’s determination and impulsiveness lead to the tragic ending of the story. At the end of the story after Romeo found out about Juliet’s death he promptly went to the cemetery and killed himself next to her. This scene, however, can also be taken as determination because he was determined to end his life alongside his lover Juliet. “Oh, here Will I set up my everlasting rest, And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars. From this world-wearied flesh”(V.V.120”). In this quote, you see Romeo has accepted and come to terms with the tragedy. Romeo has a sense of comfort knowing that he and Juliet will be reuniting. Throughout the story, Romeo’s intention with Juliet was always good, but as the situation around him became more than he could handle, the line between good and bad got blurred. 

The heroic quality of Romeo often gets repressed and overpowered by his tragic ending. His determination to be with Juliet and trust that everything happens for a reason shows that Romeo is always trying to do the right thing. However, his tragic flaw can cause him to get more involved with trouble in the end. Although this story is a tragedy and more often than not people blame Romeo for the ending. Readers need to understand his actions were a direct result of what he thought was right.

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