The Cultural Revolution in China Essay Example

📌Category: History, History of China
📌Words: 566
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 July 2022

The Cultural Revolution in China was terrible, even before this terrible period time Chairman Mao created one of the largest famines in history between 15 million and 45 million Chinese residents died. Red Scarf Girl is about a young girl named Ji-li who has to overcome lots of obstacles such as public humiliation and getting blacklisted from her dreams all because of her family’s political stance during the Cultural Revolution in China. Throughout the memoir, the reader sees the main character Ji-Li becoming more grown up as a result of the Cultural Revolution. The three ways Ji-li grows up is because she made a promise to take care of her family, she stands up for herself against the red guards, and she realizes that not everything is possible.

First off Ji-li grows up because she made a promise to take care of her family. When Ji-li’s mom was sick, she had to step up and do most of the household things like cooking and cleaning while also going to school. “(No!” The cry jerked out before I knew it. “Mom, don’t. Please. I will take care of both of them. I promise.)” Jiang p.262. This shows that Ji-li has grown up because now she is becoming a mother-like figure to her siblings. Ji-li stepped up and helped her family when times were tough and will never give up for their sake.

Secondly, Ji-li stands up for herself against the red guards. When Ji-li learns that her grandfather was a landlord, she was ashamed. As the book goes on, she learns it was not her fault, and that she should stand up for herself instead of letting people publicly humiliate her. “(I would never do anything to hurt my family. My family was too precious to forget and too rare to replace.)” Jiang p.262. This shows that even though at times Ji-li hated her past, it was part of her and a part that she could never get rid of. So instead of forgetting it, she embraced it and used it as a tool against the red guard and Mao. 

Lastly, Ji-li realizes that not everything is possible. Due to her family’s political background, Ji-li can not do the same things as her classmates to help with the Cultural Revolution, such as being a red successor. In the beginning, Ji-li was recruited to go to the liberation arts school but could not go. “(Ji-li the fact is that our family will not be able to pass these political investigations, he said slowly. You will not be allowed to be a member of The Liberation Army performing troupe.)” Jiang p.9. This quote shows that as a girl Ji-li thought she could do anything, but now, she knows that there are limitations to her desires. The Jiang family situation has put Ji-li in a place where before the revolution she was an amazing student and could go on to her dream middle school, but now she can’t. After this quote happens in the book, Ji-li becomes the center of humiliation, and even a dad-ze-boa written about her and a teacher.

In conclusion, the great Cultural Revolution in China forced kids to grow up much faster than they would otherwise, including Ji-li. The 3 ways we see Ji-li growing up because of the revolution, is because she made a promise to take care of her family, She stands up for herself against the red guards, and she realizes that not everything is possible. At the time of Mao’s reign, people thought of him as a god but looking over these facts, the youth of that time never got a childhood and grew up too fast.

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