The Concept of Race Essay Example

📌Category: Race and Ethnicity, Social Issues, Sociology
📌Words: 829
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 24 April 2021

Race is a socio-cultural concept that helps to spread hegemonic ideals. The use of race and ethnicity has been used to boost certain races while crippling other races. A couple of years back, races were nothing more than a plain term. As time went on, race developed and integrated with social constructs and helped to spread the false need to classify different groups of nationalities. Races do not exist however the concept is implemented in jobs, schooling, socioeconomic classes, etc. Throughout this essay, I will be comparing the viewpoints of Diop and Kittles. Diop and Kittles both support the idea that there is one race that began with a black man who left his location and traveled further mixing the races and establish distinct cultures. Diop focuses on the biological while Kittles focuses on the scientific aspects of why race is an effect of our environment. I will start with Diop’s interpretation, further explains Kittles interpretation, and then compare them in the end. 

According to Diop, “Race does not exist! It is to say that nothing allows me to distinguish myself from a Swede...” (Diop, 17). Diop focused mainly on biological differences whereas Kittles focused on scientific differences. This man was often referred to as the “Grimaldi Man”. In contrast, was a man referred to as the “Combe-Capelle Man” he was believed to be the first man in Europe. Conflicts and arguments being made to disprove the theory of a black man being the first to migrate to Europe. As time went on, the discovery becomes more common knowledge. There has been many researchers and scholar who have acknowledged and accepted this fact. The critique lies in the narratives that are portrayed publicly despite the lack of evidence to back it up. Although there is proof to back up these narratives, they are told to children, shared in rap version, shown in fashion culture, expressed via art, etc.

According to Kittles, race is something that took place as a form of survival and adapting to over environment. Melanin evolved as the proximity to the equator affected its production count. Kittles says that geography and science play into the concept of race. Melanin was key for survival. Kittles stated, “However, even within the ‘African-centered’ movement, some of the discourse on the nature and fiction of pigmentation has been polemic, at times reflecting political constructs more so than scientific rationale. (Kittles, 37)”. This statement explains how race is more of a societal agenda to reflect political views. Most of the accusations or theories of these constructs are not back by science. Kittles mainly focused on science and how DNA and melanin production affects the pigmentation of someone’s skin. It is an internal process just as much as it is an external process. Internally it depends on your melamine production and externally it depends on your proximity to the equator. Someone’s skin will adapt to their environment and shift to more favorable features like animals. 

With consideration to Diop and Kittle, they support the idea that there is one race that began with a black man. By understanding the development of race, we are better able to connect with our history and past. This can better prepare us to understand the current events and protests that take place. The important thing is to understand why certain policies are in place so that you can prevent it in the future if it is harmful. Racial differences took place because of mixed breeding. According to Diops’ research “Racial differentiation took place in Europe, probably in southern Franc and in Spain…we understand now, because of the... Grimaldi Black Man” (Diop, 13). Racial indifference came to be because of a traveling black man who populated the earth. Based on Kittles research,

“The shades of color in between these extremes illustrate a huge variation in human pigmentation. Because it is one of the most conspicuous traits, pigment variation has led societies to attach labels and fabricate myths about people of different skin and/or hair colors (Kittles, 36)”. 

Racial differences have more to do with the production of melanin more than anything else. These ideologies are spread about by the hegemon to maintain the image of superiority. If there are smalls phrases that stick, people will believe them better than the truth. For example, the one-drop rule according to race. If you are one percent black, you are considered black no matter what race you are. Race is something that has been used to discriminate against minorities and classist structures. 

To summarize, race is a socio-cultural concept that aids in the spread of hegemonic ideals. The use of race has been used to better certain races while crippling other races. A couple of years back, races were nothing more than a simple word. As time went on, race developed and integrated with social constructs and helped to spread the false need to classify different groups of nationalities. Races do not exist however the concept is implemented in jobs, schooling, socioeconomic classes, etc. Throughout this essay, I started with Diop’s interpretation, further explains Kittles interpretation, and then compare them in the end. Diop and Kittles both support the idea that there is one race that began with a black man who left his location and traveled further mixing the races and creating different cultures. Diop focuses on the biological while Kittles focuses on the scientific aspects of why race is an effect of our environment. 

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