Romeo and Juliet Essay Sample

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 715
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 July 2022

The story starts off with two capulet servants, Gregory and Sampson, who decide to fool around and get into a fight with the opposing house, The Montagues. They fight, and a noble Montague named Benvolio tries to break it up, but only ends up getting himself sucked into the fight. Everything is halted when the prince appears. He tells the town citizens and the heads of both households that if they get into another fight, they will pay with their lives. Later in the day, we meet Capulet. Head of the Capulet household and Juliet’s father. He talks to Paris, a noble gentleman, about hinting to his daughter that the two of them should get married. Paris gleefully agrees. The capulets plan a house party, and Peter, a capulet servingman, runs into Romeo, unaware of the fact that he is a capulet, and asks him for help with the guest list he was given. Romeo reads it out to him, and Peter thanks Romeo, saying he and his friend should join them later at the Capulet party. 

We are then introduced to Juliet, her mother Lady Capulet, and the Nurse. They talk to Juliet about marrying Paris, and Juliet tells them that if she likes him, she will think about it, but if she doesn’t like him, she won’t. Juliet then leaves for the party. Romeo and Benvolio decide to go to their rival household party, getting their friend Mercutio to join them. They luck out because this party just happens to be a masquerade ball. Romeo is still depressed over the fact that the girl he ‘loves’ doesn't reciprocate his feelings. His friends try to cheer him up, joking about the fact that he is no regular lover and that if he really is that desperate, he can only hope Queen Mab (a prostitute) visits his dream like she visits the dreams of lots of other men. Romeo is unimpressed with his friends' jokes, and they start to move about the party. 

Romeo takes an interest in a girl who is dancing, thinking she is the prettiest girl he has ever seen. Romeo talks to himself, debating whether or not to go over and introduce himself to her, but as he’s talking, Tybalt, Nephew of Capulet, recognises his voice as one of a montague. He Capulet this, and Capulet tells Tybalt to leave him alone so long as he’s not causing trouble. Romeo decides to go and introduce himself to the girl, who just so happens to be Juliet. He charms her and immediately falls for her, getting her to chat with him. They kiss a couple times, and she leaves because her mother calls her. Romeo eventually finds out that Juliet is a Capulet, and he, Benvolio, and Mercutio leave the party. Romeo doesn’t actually leave, though. He goes through the orchard to try and find Juliet's room. He hides in some bushes and listens as Juliet is on her balcony, spilling out her feelings about Romeo to no one. Romeo listens to her as she confesses that she loves him. He comes out of his hiding spot, and the two of them confess to each other. After some very non-rational decisions, they decide to get married. Tomorrow. Juliet tells Romeo that she will send someone to fetch him at 9 o'clock so they can get married. Romeo then leaves, as it is almost morning. 

Romeo then visits Friar Lawrence and asks him to marry him and Juliet. The Friar agrees, but only to see if the bond between them will help solve the feud between their families. When Romeo finally goes home, Benvolio and Mercutio joke with him, saying that he had fun with some woman last night. Romeo doesn’t deny or confirm their suspicions. They tell Romeo that somehow Tybalt found out he was at the party last night and that he sent a letter to Romeo challenging him to a fight. Before Romeo can do anything about it, the Nurse comes rushing in to fetch Romeo. They talk, and Romeo tells the Nurse about his plan to marry Juliet. He tells the Nurse to get Juliet to go to Friar Lawrence's cell. Romeo thanks the nurse and gives her some coins. The Nurse goes back to find Juliet, and after some budging, Juliet finally gets her to tell her where Romeo is. She tells Juliet to go to Friar lawrence’s cell as he is waiting there so they can get married. She thanks the nurse and runs out to find her Romeo. When they meet, the two of them kiss, and they go and get married.

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