Decisions in Macbeth Essay Example

📌Category: Macbeth, Plays, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 919
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 05 July 2022

Because we want to be good, we worry about making the wrong decisions like Macbeth or the right decisions like Macduff, the uncertainty of your future should give you huge stress. A human's present decisions are decisions that reveal uncertain futures and should be decided with caution so that everyone around you benefits, such as Macduff's decisions. Macbeth and Macduff are two characters from Shakespeare's classic drama "Macbeth," in which the play highlights the  crucial decisions that determine Macbeth and Macduff's futures. The psychological reasons why people lose their positive characteristics in life when they see the wrong path to success, as in Macbeth, are numerous and continue to astound people today. Will people take advantage of a seeing the future ,through technology or any other unknown source in the future tense but will they take the advantage and embark down the wrong path of success through ambitious behavior? If so, what can we do to motivate and encourage people to not lose the dignified way to success? 

There are two characters in Shakespeare's play of  “Macbeth,” whose roles in the play intensify how they each decide their way to uncertain futures. Macbeth is a nobleman and a strong warrior who is a cousin of Scotland's monarch, whereas Macduff is a faithful nobleman who honors the king and has no ambition for the throne, unlike Macbeth. When Macbeth hears the witches' prophesy that he will be king of Scotland, he becomes negatively motivated and nearly murders anybody who stands in his way to complete the prophesy . Macduff, on the other hand, is opposed to him, and as a result , Macbeth is furious and orders for his family to be assassinated. Macbeth returns to the witches in Act IV SCENE I in order to be certain of the future and his place on the throne. Meanwhile, Macduff learns of his family's murder and swears vengeance on Macbeth, siding with Malcolm who is attempting to reclaim the throne from his uncle. Macbeth has a lot of faith in the witch's prediction, which makes him more determined on securing his kingship. Macbeth's wife dies of a mind/mental disease in the midst of the civil war, and Macbeth shows no guilt for his wife because he now faces an army against Malcolm and Macduff at which he dies by the hand of Macduff.

As demonstrated by a computer game in which participants were challenged to find snakes under the rocks, the physiological proof that exists resonating around the stress that occurs in uncertain futures is significant. The participants were found to be more stressed when they didn't know where the snakes were, but less stressed when playing for long periods of time and anticipated where the snakes were. Individuals dealt with the problem of an uncertain future by anticipating where the snakes could be, and once they discovered a pattern, they were less concerned about the future. Eustress is a positive sort of stress that encourages us to work hard in order to attain our goals. If humans could see into the future, they would lose what makes them human, and without Eustress, they would become more depressed.Will a certain future make people more depressed about what is ahead, or will it motivate us to change it for the better? Will people take advantage of the certainty of a future and pursue success, glory, power, and world riches through ambiguous acts and the wrong path of success? Will certain futures cause eustress or distress?

If it generates eustress, people will be happier in their lives, but if it causes distress, we will simply have to close the doors to certain futures. In either case, if the future was certain, 95 percent of individuals would choose the wrong path to success, as studies show that humans make 95 percent of their decisions unconsciously, and success is something that everyone wants. What would stop humanity from bending the future to their desires, as Macbeth did when he forced his way to the throne because the witches predicted his future? Macbeth's decision did not cause him eustress but distress because his wife died of guilt through a mind/mental disease, and he couldn't converse with his friends because his guilt tormented him in the form of ghosts. Macbeth's decision did not cause him eustress but distress because his wife died of guilt through a mind/mental disease, and he couldn't converse with his friends because his guilt tormented him in the form of ghosts. Macduff On the other hand, unlike Macbeth,  had no certain future, but his good conscience guided him and with joy and anger he avenged his family from a tyrant king. By making excellent decisions from a good man, he unknowingly paved the way for a good future that was uncertain at the first place.

In conclusion, our current decisions impact whether we have a good or poor future, and these categories have helped people in making conscious and cautious decisions by achieving a safe outcome for each of our choices. Shakespeare's classic drama not only showed the possibilities of certain futures and how people might react in a negative way to achieve their ambitions, but also how a person's good values can lead to the best actions and the best outcomes in an uncertain future. The philosophical reasons for the importance of good traits in a person, as well as if the discovery of certain futures will eustress or distress you is essential to know. If it causes eustress, people will require good traits to not cheat their way to success and instead pursue the honest path to success; if it provides distress, the discovery will be useless to use because humans do not want to foresee the future as that will cause them misery and pain. Because your decisions transform your uncertain future into a certain good or terrible future, the need to know and make good present decisions changes the way you see the uncertain future.

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