Reflective Essay Example on Human Nature

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophy
đź“ŚWords: 288
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 04 August 2022

Throughout history, people have discussed whether human nature is naturally good, naturally bad, or neutral. Enlightenment thinkers of Europe, ancient Chinese philosophers, and the religions of Judaism and Christianity have all addressed this topic. Their insights on human nature, and my personal feelings about the subject, will be discussed in the remainder of this essay. 

During the Enlightenment Thomas Hobbes thought humans were naturally greedy, selfish, and cruel and that humans would do anything for power and could not live peacefully. Hobbes believed that people should make a contract with the government saying that people should give up their freedom and their rights in exchange for strict rules and strong enforcement to guarantee peace. Christians also believe humans are going to naturally be cruel and selfish; this is why they needed Jesus to save them. There were also two sages who believed humans are naturally bad  Xunci and Shang Yang. Xunci thought that we must fight against early human tendencies and  Shang Yang thought that people were selfish and greedy by nature.

John Locke thought differently he believed that humans were like a blank tablet that is shaped by their experiences and that humans are born with natural rights to life, liberty, and property. Locke believed that if the government failed to protect people's natural rights you can and should overthrow them. Sages who believed humans were naturally good were Mencius and Confucius. Confucius was very optimistic about humans naturally tendency to do good and wished everyone could become a wise sage but he realized not everyone could reach that level but he believed that humans were shaped by experiences he identified five issues that prevent people from reaching their potentials greed, lying, lack of respect for elders, ignorance of the past, and lack of kindness. Mencius believed that human nature is good but must be taken care of to grow well.

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