Persuasive Essay Example: Extreme Sports Should Be Limited

📌Category: Sports
📌Words: 433
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 30 July 2022

Intensive sports put an enormous number of people in danger. Since 2000, extreme sports have been related to more than 4 million injuries, with more than 40,000 head and neck injuries occurring each year. The equipment required for extreme sports can be expensive, and this equipment is primarily for safety purposes, so the safety of such sports are extortionate. Hence, teenagers should not be allowed to play dangerous sports.

One of the most important reasons extreme sports should be limited is that they harm people physically and subsequently mentally. Intense sports can cause death and mental illnesses to the majority of teenagers that participate in these types of games.  According to CBC, Dr. Omalu states “your child is more likely to die before the age of 42 through violent means,”... He adds that a child has about two to four times increased risk of committing suicide or suffering from a major psychiatric illness, including major depression, by playing dangerous contact sports.” Therefore, it is considered that extreme sports cannot be practiced, because each pain caused, marks the life of a family.

Another reason why we understand that intense sports cannot be allowed is because of the high cost of safety equipment. According to CNBC, “There is also such equipment as glacier glasses and sleeping bags rated to at least minus 40 degrees Fahrenheit, all of which can cost between $8,000 and $15,000.” The high cost of dangerous sports safety equipment can affect family finances, and for those people who do not have sufficient resources to pay for these equipment, they will be affected by consequences of injuries up to death. Taking into account the information that has been presented, it can be concluded that extreme sports can cause financial problems.

It can be argued that extreme sports can keep us extremely fit, and healthy. “It helps build confidence and motivation…and get rid of monotonous life as well as frustration, stress, bad emotions, etc.” CareerRide states. However, dangerous sports can have temporary benefits but the injuries can have a lifelong duration. According to Alex Beck in the South Florida SunSentinel, “Many times people who take part in extreme sports grow up to be veterans with multiple serious injuries. While the adrenaline can last for a few minutes, serious injuries can last a lifetime.” Intense sports may benefit you in many ways, but according to research and reports, intensive sports do more harm than good.

In the long run, It is clear that young people should not engage in dangerous sports. Dangerous sports can put at risk of death and mental illness to most adolescents, and if nothing is done to stop this, the rate of people suffering from injuries and health problems will increase. If there is no action to increase the safety in these sports, the security of teenagers will be decreased.

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