Personal Essay Sample about Indecision

📌Category: Feature of Character, Life, Myself
📌Words: 457
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Why am I so bad at making decisions? This was a question I had been asking myself for years, it was something I was just consistently flawed at! For me struggling with indecision is like being stuck in the mud. It’s just no fun.  

There are numerous justifications for why I was so horrible at making decisions. Some were because of the anxiety of making the wrong decision, being afraid of failure or even the consequences of success, stressing about what other individuals were thinking of me, and perfectionism. These are just a few of the multiple reasons why it takes me so long to make a decision.

When I have to decide for myself, I have less of a problem because if I make the wrong one then I'm only letting myself down. When other people are involved and I know the decision I make could affect them and make a large or small impact in their life then that is where I start freaking out and start becoming indecisive! I think of all the people I could let down, or if I need to select a group and I don't know which one to choose, I start becoming distressed because I do not want to let the other group down! When someone points to me for picking a place to order food, I freeze in my spot. I think of all the possibles and the dozens of other places that people like, and a million thoughts go through my head, what if I pick the wrong place and everybody hates the food, what if the place is closed, what if people hate my idea and so forth. I over-analyze and overthink the simplest question that is given to me.  I feel put on the spot and I just want to go home and sleep! 

My indecision is not always bad. Sometimes hesitation provides me valuable time to think about the situation. It offers me the opportunity to gather more information and weigh the facts. If I can’t make a quick decision, it may be a sign that the choice matters to me. If I am second-guessing myself, it might be a warning that I am about to make the wrong decision. The important thing that I have been realizing is to not let indecision keep me stuck forever! 

I have been becoming better when someone asks me a question and I have to decide on something! I tell myself to forget the fear, to tune into my emotions. I try to have people ask me small stuff before I get asked the bigger decision-making question! I take 3 deep breathes in and ask myself "Will this matter in the next 10 years?" I have been learning to trust myself and my gut. I just pray that everything works out and if it doesn't then I just hope I learned a valuable lesson for next time!

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