Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Literary Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Literature
📌Words: 380
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

Frederick Douglass, a formerly enslaved abolitionist captures the horrors of enslavement and his attempts of escape through the “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”. His appeal to emotion, credibility, and logic strengthens his statement that slavery is wrong and unjust. He uses strategic structure throughout his narrative to persuade the enslaved and enslavers to join the abolitionist movement, an anti-slavery movement.

Frederick Douglass writes to the enslaved as an advocator for the closing practice of slavery; he pushes for resistance to the enslaver. Throughout his narrative, Douglass narrates scenes of his life in graphic detail, once to be described as “a man who had escaped a den of wild beasts” capturing the emotions of the enslaved those who have been subjected to similar abuses. Enslavers made resistance nearly impossible through generations of oppression, most bound by fear even in utter capitulation. Douglass shows that despite one’s fears resistance is necessary; he reasons that one cannot escape dehumanizing slavery without the “effort to be free.”. Persuading the enslaved to make attempts to freedom along with gaining an anti-slavery mindset necessary for the success of the abolitionist movement.

Douglass' message to enslavers is filled with dejection; his argument speaks as an attempt to convince enslavers their actions of inhumanity are wrong. The “dehumanizing character of slavery” meant living in a perpetual state of trepidation and discontent, depriving humans of human quality. At most depressive times Douglass’s hope and spirit are lifted by what is said to be “from God” for in his pure eyes slavery is unnatural. To both the enslaved and the enslavers God is credible; for at this time faith was held close to heart by many. Towards the end of his narrative, Douglass shows his gratitude to those who have helped him through his escape to freedom. In applaud of “those good men and women for… their participation in the escape of slaves.” to show the good in the abolitionist movement and reason to join.

Through technique and persuasion, Frederick Douglass argues in favor of the abolitionist movement showing importance to the understanding that slavery is wrong to both the enslaved and the enslavers. He as one of many abolitionist leaders fought for the freedom of the enslaved to restore human quality to those who have been deprived. Systems of slavery linger as they intertwine society and continue the cycle of ties to oppression bred to live in each passing generation. Society is continuously held by the soft unworked hands of the enslaver.

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