My Life in 10 Years Essay Example

📌Category: Life, Myself
📌Words: 448
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 July 2022

In ten years, I will be twenty-eight years old. The year will be 2032, and I envision myself as being a master’s graduate of a biochemical engineering program by 2027. I cannot confirm if I will choose to get my master’s degree from the University of Georgia, but I’m currently considering it. In addition, I will not have a Ph.D. By 2032, I aspire to work in a research and development lab for biochemical research and design. I plan to receive a job offer after earning my master’s degree so I can strategically start paying for my student loans. At this hypothetical company I will be working for, I intend to be in a position of leadership, regardless of the size. After working at a company for five years, my credibility and prowess will become recognizable, and promotion will surely follow. Additionally, I want to be a role model for aspiring engineers in high school and college. I would like to be the beacon for their education ship who do not realize the potential careers and opportunities available to them. I want to encourage creativity and rigorous work, for in my eyes it will lead to success. I want to have given a motivational speech at a high school’s STEM program or host an engineering workshop for prospective engineering undergraduates. 

As for my personal life, I envision a grand future for myself at age 28. A critical financial goal I would like to have started by 2032 is to start savings accounts for my future children’s college education. My parents did this for me and I could not be more grateful for what they have done, so I intend to repeat their kind gesture for my kids as well. I also need to have want to have paid my parents back for the time and money they have spent on me to give me the life that I live now and in 10 years. I want to have taken them on trips to countries they always talk about going to. I want to have a retirement fund set up straight out of college when I secure a long-term job. In a similar fashion, I plan on opening a mutual fund to make my money work for me.  Furthermore, I see myself having a very strong credit score. I don’t think by 2032 I’ll have the wealth for a Tesla, and besides I believe a modest Sedan would be perfectly OK for someone like me. So, as I drive to my R&D job, I’ll be in my Honda Accord. In addition, I see myself newly married in ten years.  However, I do not want to have kids yet; they can come a few years later. I envision myself living in a nice apartment in the city with one bedroom, one bathroom, a medium sized living room, and a small kitchen.

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