Massie Rape Case Essay Example

📌Category: Crime, Social Issues, Violence
📌Words: 752
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 April 2021

The discussion around the subject of rape allegations and whether they are false or not is a controversial yet sensitive one in this day and age. For this reason, it is crucial that individuals recognize not only the legitimate accusals, but also the fraudulent ones as well. By doing so it would easen the sensitivity of the topic, along with aiding investigators on determining the authenticity of the charges. A prominent example of this would be the Massie Trials of 1931 and 1932. Although Thalia Massie claimed that she was impregnated by the alleged offenders, the men are not guilty since the medical examination reported that Massie was clean, Massie asserted that she did not remember the car yet asserted the license number, and that the men were seen by outsiders quite far from the scene of the crime.

In the first place, the men were seen quite far from the scene of the crime. Source C qualifies this by explicitly stating that at 12:35 a.m., the car that the men were in nearly crashed into a car owned by a Hawaiian woman named Agnes Peeples. This comes to show how even during the time of the rape occurrence from Source C, there appears to have been a collision of another problem far away from the crime scene. Source A further proves the substantial distance through the illustration of the yards between the location of offence and the “12:35 incident.” Given the fact that the two incidents have happened from a great distance, it is unlikely that the accusation is authentic. In addition, one may be persuaded to believe that there could not have possibly been any given time where the rape had taken place, thus nixing the possibility of the rape incident. Bringing up this first point simply cries out that the accusations must be false since there is no way two incidents involving similar people could have happened miles apart.

Furthermore, Massie asserted that she did not remember the car yet practically stated the license number in its entirety. This part of the topic is vital to the inaccuracy of Massie’s accusation since it makes it obvious how an individual may go back on their word in order to get justice on their end. To further elaborate, Source F displays the interrogation of Massie’s inspector, John Mcintosh, where he is asked if Massie was able to remember the car after seeing the license plate, in which he stated that the car was still undistinguishable to Massie. This would be reasonable, yet Source G notes that Massie informed John Mcintosh about the license plate number she saw and how a friend that went to the hospital with her was told the number by an investigator. The cross-examination of Mcintosh reveals the lack of knowledge that Massie had when it came to the number of the license plate. Despite Massie’s inspector declaring that she was not able to identify the car even after giving her the number, Massie was able to affirm the number right after she was released from the hospital. It is crucial to be aware of the fact that not only Massie’s friend was aware of the number, but the people who agreed with the crime happening as well. This greatly supports the argument that Massie’s allegations are untrue, since it voices out the chances of Massie being given the number by her alliances in order to win the case.

In the third place, one may argue that Massie declared being impregnated. Source B backs this claim by enunciating that Massie had found out she was pregnant. When examining the true source of her impregnation, it must not be ignored that the examination reported Massie being clean. It is important to do so in order to determine the main cause of fertilization, or if it is even true at all. Source G expresses the nurse’s reaction through her description of Massie as “clean as a new pin.” Figuratively speaking, this highlights the dishonesty of the rape happening. Regardless of Massie claiming her pregnancy, one can not know whether it was from the rape, her husband, or if she was not pregnant at all. Given the fact that an authorative figure of health ruled her out as clean from the occurrence of the rape, it vocalizes the statement that the 5 men were not guilty.

Taking everything into consideration, the convicted offenders are not guilty of the rape of Thalia Massie due to the fact that the men were distanced greatly from the crime scene and the acknowledgement of the license plate number went through strange timing. Despite the fact that Massie asserted her pregnancy, one must be able to point out that the examination ruled her out to be clean. Doing so would not only give the men a better image, but it would also aid investigators in future similar cases.

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