Why Judge People Based On Their Skin Color

📌Category: Racism, Social Issues
📌Words: 354
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 September 2021

Many people are patronizing minorities daily and something needs to be done to stop them, this report will explain the main impacts and answer complex questions about racism.

What is racism? racism is the point at which an individual, institution, community, or group shows hatred against somebody because of their specific, racial or ethnic culture, most commonly somebody who is a minority. People generally associate racism with abuse or viciousness, however it doesn't have to incorporate violence, it can include ridiculing, and exclusion from gatherings or activities. 

According to https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/race-discrimination/what-racism  “Racism is more than just words, beliefs and actions. It includes all the barriers that prevent people from enjoying dignity and equality because of their race.” for example people that are affected by racism may feel like they are not worthy of respect.

How are people affected by racism? 

There are numerous examples of the negative effects racism has on individuals, however, the most common recognized thing affected is psychological wellness, or mental health, with individuals hearing racial slurs, and bias opinions, it can be difficult to keep a good frame of mind constantly, according to https://www.cnbc.com/2021/05/25/racial-trauma-effects-on-mental-health-how-to-cope-at-work.html  “Simply existing in an environment that they perceive to be racially hostile can be traumatizing for some, says Will Ming Liu, professor of counseling psychology at the University of Maryland, whose research includes white supremacy and white privilege.”

 This is a good example of racism affecting our everyday lives, somewhere you consider a safe place can be traumatizing to those who are facing racism.

Is racism normalized?

Yes, we live in a world in which race or ethnicity appears to be a normal feature of our society, although race seems to be normalized we chose not to see the issues that accompany race due to stigmatizing ethnicity which causes unknown harm. for instance, many individuals categorize people of color with tattoos dangerous, but on the other hand, a person with a light complexion and tattoos aren't typically considered dangerous. this is one prime example of racism being normalized.

In conclusion

Racism is real, and it's normalized I personally think that the world would be a much better place if racism didn't exist, and i also think that harmful slurs are beyond disgusting i find myself lucky to be in new Zealand where racism is not tolerated. Racism must be fought!

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