Lord of the Flies Literary Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Lord Of The Flies
📌Words: 726
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 July 2022

The book “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding portrays the theme that regardless of each person's different background and characteristics, every individual has the ability to commit brutal acts.In “lord of the flies” they show different personalities through the book. it’s given that some will be popular and powerful and cool while others will be teased and rejected. In the real world, adults use their power to control these kids and maintain a balanced group dynamic. In Lord of the Flies, however, children must fend for themselves and elect their own leader—and Piggy, wise, is never seriously considered. Though Piggy is intelligent, rational, and smart, he lacks the leadership with language that both Ralph and Jack possess, traits that the book suggests play crucial roles in establishing their authority. Piggy may have the tactical smarts to be a good leader, but because he cannot convincingly act the role, he would not be able to be in charge the boys if given the chance.

The theme of savagery versus civilisation as a growth in personalities is first introduced through the symbol of the conch shell which we associate with Ralph as he is the person who first uses it and becomes the elected leader of the boys. This symbolizes ises authority amongst the boys. At the first assembly Ralph says “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak…he won’t be interrupted”. This shows in the beginning Ralph is a civilized leader because  Ralph is allowing each boy to have an equal say and opinion kinda like a democracy . If they have the conch, no matter who they are or what age they are they will be given the chance to speak and will be listened to by the rest of the boys. The boys have created the island to be a functional  place which shows a civilized and mature side to them as they try to mimic the homes they have just left. There are changes in personality throughout the book and they will be explained. Examples of this 1.”We’ve got to have special people for looking after the fire. Any day there may be a ship out there… and if we have a signal going they’ll come and take us off. And another thing. We ought to have more rules. Where the conch is, that’s a meeting.”

In “Lord of the Flies,” each of the boys' change of appearance shows with a change of personality. This evolution  is particularly noticeable in Jack, who begins as an assertive but innocent child and ends the novel as a savage, bloodthirsty killer. Some examples showing change.  The novel’s antagonist, one of the older boys stranded on the island. Jack becomes the leader of the hunters but longs for total power and becomes increasingly wild, barbaric, and cruel as the novel progresses. Jack, good at manipulating the other boys, “represents the instinct of savagery within human beings, as opposed to the civilizing instinct Ralph represents”. Jack shows serious change throughout the book. Major changes throughout the book due to a lack of discipline.  Even though they had a leader it wasn’t the same as being in school or having parents they really just had a “leader” that wasn’t respected like a parent or teacher or principal. Another example. Ralph :The novel’s protagonist, the twelve-year-old English boy who is elected leader of the group of boys marooned on the island. Ralph attempts to coordinate the boys’ efforts to build a miniature civilization on the island until they can be rescued. Ralph represents human beings civilizing instinct, as opposed to the savage instinct that Jack embodies. Or Simon. “ A shy, sensitive boy in the group”. Simon, in some ways the only naturally “good” character on the island, behaves kindly toward the younger boys and is willing to work for the good of their community. Moreover, because his motivation is rooted in his deep feeling of connectedness to nature, Simon is the only character whose sense of civilness does not seem to have been imposed by society. Simon represents a kind of natural goodness, as opposed to the unbridled evil of Jack and the imposed morality of civilization represented by Ralph and Piggy. This is an example of someone with strong character. 

In the end.  Change will happen without discipline. And example of that have been shown throughout the books. It is scary to see what happens without discipline. And when these boys became savages that’s what happened no discipline. Nobody believed in the process and it was a big hot mess.  There isn’t anything more to say…

Work Cited

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. Edited by E. L. Epstein, Berkley, 2003.

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