The Most Beautiful Roof in the World by Katheryn Lasky Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 404
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

The Most Beautiful Roof in the World by Katheryn Lasky, is about a scientist named Meg Lowmam, who studies the rainforest in Belize. Although this is a nonfiction book, it uses concrete language and sensory details to describe Meg’s interesting experience in the rainforest. In pages 9-12 of The Most Beautiful Roof in the World, Kathryn Lasky uses concrete language and sensory details to help us visualize the rainforest which helps us understand how important and necessary the rainforest and it’s canopy is to our world and ecosystems. 

In this book, on page 12 the author uses some interesting words and phrases to describe the rainforest and its magnificence and value. For example it says in the text “In this shadowed world pierced occasionally by slivers of sunlight are more varieties of living things than perhaps any other place on earth.” This shows the tremendous amount of living things that flourish and thrive in the rainforest. In addition to that the words “shadowed” and “slivers of sunlight” help us envision the rainforest. Another thing stated in the text is “It is the very diversity of the rainforest that allows life to thrive everywhere.” This helps the reader understand that the rainforest has a crucial influence on our world. 

Similarly, pages 9-10 use intriguing words and phrases to explain how the canopy is an immensely important part of the rainforest but is difficult to reach. I know this because on page 9 it states in the text “They could only wonder about the canopy brilliantly lit, noisy with bird life and the chattering of monkey’s. They knew that the canopy was the “powerhouse” of the rainforest” The words “brilliantly lit” and “powerhouse” help us visualize the canopy in a way that shows its beauty and significance. Another example is “The canopy is where rainforest life begins. Yet for years it remained out of reach.” This quote shows the large amount of living things in the canopy and how tough it is to get to the canopy. 

As you can clearly see, in The Most Beautiful Roof in the World, the way that Katryn Lasky uses sensory and concrete language to describe the rainforest and it’s canopy, like it’s diversity and  that how that allows life to thrive, shows how essential both of them are to our planet and environment. It also helps us imagine the beautiful rainforest and canopy. Finally, Kathryn's description tells us that certain things that you don’t think about (like the rainforest) actually have an enormous impact on our world. 


Kathryn Lasky The Most Beautiful Roof in the World: Exploring the Rainforest Canopy Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 1997.

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