Liberty 5-3000 Character Analysis in Anthem Essay Example

📌Category: Anthem, Books
📌Words: 416
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 08 August 2022

Liberty 5-3000 is definitely an admirable character, as we know she’s also known as “the golden one”. She's also known as being fearless and very self centered which is good traits to have. In the story Equality 7-2521 describes her as, “a young woman, with golden hair and dark eyes”, and “more than a beautiful young woman”. So yes I think she is an admirable character especially to Equality 7-2521, by the way he talks about her in the book. She is also an admirable character by the way she treats others, she always treats others with respect no matter what and is mostly always very kind. 

Liberty 5-3000 and Equality 7 have a very close relationship as well, Liberty not only admires him but also worships him, which is something else that shows an admirable character, she respects him but also doesn’t let him get away with anything, she's is very fierce and fearless and always will tell you when you're in the wrong. Which is a good thing especially in this book, because to be able to be in these situations you have to be fearless and be able to deal and defend yourself from anything that comes your way. And that's exactly what Liberty 5-3000 does in this book. As we can tell Liberty 5-3000 is not only an admirable character but a fierce and fearless character. 

Liberty 5-3000 is also a very strong and loyal character which is another example of an admirable character, she’s loyal because she stuck with Equality 7 through everything, she’s strong because she would do anything and everything to make sure Equality was okay and that she was always by his side no matter she had to do, even if it meant going through the woods, crawling through bushes or anything like that she would do anything for Equality, which is why this book is so good for people to read, it shows how much she cares for and worships him. Liberty is also one that will do anything as long as she can pursue her goals, like how she observes Equality 7 even though the state forbids don’t agree with it at all. Which is very brave of her and shows she will do anything she can to be able to be with Equality, even if that means disobeying someone else's rules like she did in this book. 

So as we know Liberty 5-3000 is an admirable character and also many things that come with being an admirable character, she's fierce, loyal, strong, and many other things you can think of so yes Liberty 5-3000 is an admirable character not only to me but many other people too.

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