Is Gene Editing Helpful or Harmful? Argumentative Essay

📌Category: Genetics, Science
📌Words: 268
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 20 May 2021

Today's blog is about whether gene editing can end up being more helpful than harmful.    Gene editing is going to have a positive impact on the world because it can help prevent diseases and enhance the human race. 

Gene editing tools  can help scientists end diseases and illnesses. For instance, in source one the author talks about how someone with LDL which is a bad cholesterol could use crisper as a life or death situation. If you had the choice between life or death wouldn't you choose life? There are scientists that use modified viruses to do inhumane testing. Like using respiratory viruses to cause cancer in mice. However there is  always good and bad. And with humans, source two talks about how there were little risks involved in tests. 

Though there are many critics who oppose gene editing, the reasons to get rid of it are not enough to give up this amazing opportunity. In source two it talks about how we could use crispr to enhance our army by editing how they function without sleeping. This could be huge for America's defense system. Some critics do point out that gene editing could be a doorway to eugenics. However most people agree that CRISPER should only be used to eliminate diseases. CRISPER should also be used for creating and providing a better understanding of the human body and help patients in need of medical care. That's what we need in these uncertain times. 

Gene editing is more helpful than it is harmful. There are many benefits that are too good to pass up. Solving the secret to eliminating diseases will be a huge development to people. We can enhance ourselves, protect ourselves, and prevent diseases.

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