Essay Sample on Theory's Evolution

📌Category: Biology, Science
📌Words: 477
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 August 2022

A theory is a system of ideas intended to explain something. Theories evolve as time progresses,discoveries are made and, and new ideas are suggested . This means that theories evolve along with science and time. A prime example of this is the evolution of Darwin's Theory of evolution and Natural Selection and Thomas H. Morgan and his genetic research as well as Evolutionary and genetic research  

An example of a theory's evolution correlating with the progression of science is the problems Darwin had with his theory of natural selection. A text by the name of “Evidence for and Problems with Darwin's Theory” states that,” His problems were that (1) he believed natural selection moved too slowly ever to be observed in a lifetime, (2) he did not understand how characteristics are inherited, (3) he could not prove that species were related, and (4) he did not know how old earth is”,(David,Brown,Benjamin) This quote supports my claim because it shows that Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection was less advanced due to science being less advanced. This shows that Darwin's theory was less advanced because it was in its younger stages and science was less modern. 

Another example using one of Darwin's theories (Darwin's Theory of Evolution) is when after time and science advanced he could provide more evidence for his theory. As explained by the text “Darwinism Fifty Years After: The Biological Lesson of Evolution”,” Darwin showed that competition was at work everywhere and favors the individual who can best make headway as young or as adult that actually are. The struggle for existence is ever present . The essential factors in “Organic Revolution” are (1) variation, which Darwin took as a fact without explanation; (2) heredity, which he also took as a fact, with an attempt at explanation, as nearly adequate as the sanct knowledge of histology [ the microscopic study of cells of plants and animals] in his day would permit; and (3) selection”, (Jordan). This evidence supports my claim because this quote shows that after time advanced science evolved with it. Therefore providing more discoveries and ideas to further evolve Darwin's Theory of Evolution. 

A final example is Thomas H. Morgan and his genetic research. As shown by the text, “The 1933 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Awarded to Thomas H. Morgan”,” By conducting statistical studies of the way genetic traits are passed in fruit flies, Thomas Morgan broke new ground in the first decade of the 20th century. Morgan used fruit flies to study inheritance to show that genes are stored in chromosomes in cell nuclei”, (BHP, Morgan). This supports my claim because it shows that as time advanced new ideas were still being provided that involved Darwin's Theories of evolution and Natural Selection. Further proving that theories evolve along with science and time.

Theories are a way of abstract thinking used to explain something. These theories evolve overtime due to the progression of science and new discoveries and ideas being presented. This is shown by Darwin's theories of evolution and natural selection. As well as the genetic research conducted by Thomas H. Morgan. 

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