Essay Sample on The Power of Hope in The Frank Family

📌Category: Historical Figures, History, Holocaust
📌Words: 542
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 August 2022

Imagine being stuck in a cramped room, not being able to move. Having minuscule amounts of food. A massive trying to exterminate. In all that madness, remaining positive is seemingly an impossible task. But the holocaust survivors did it. In particular, the Frank family did stay positive and didn't lose hope for Three years. The Frank family demonstrated the power of hope through religion, positivity, and support.

The Frank family demonstrated the power of hope through religion. The Franks celebrated Hanukah during hiding. During the celebration they sang religious songs, Anne made everyone presents, and they had a good time (Goodrich and Hackett). Them using religion shows that even in dire situations the Family still used religion. Additionally, “Religion gives people something to believe in, provides a sense of structure and typically offers a group of people to connect with over similar beliefs. These facets can have a large positive impact on mental health” (Greenstein). This evidence contributes to the fact that religion helps keep hope and spirits up. In addition, the hiding place was full of other members which were jews. This allowed them to speak on similar terms, which meant better relationships and more positivity, which leads to more hope.

The Frank family demonstrated the power of hope through positivity. In the diary, Anne said “maybe not for hundreds of years, but someday . . . I still believe, despite everything, that people are good at heart. if you’d only look at it as part of a great pattern . . . that we’re just a little minute in the life.” In all of Hitler killing her race, her hiding in a tight annex, her starving to death she still was positive about humanity. In addition, instead of focusing on the big bad moments in life, she focuses on the small, good things. In contrast, Peter was focused on the Nazi party trying to kill them and is more realistic which makes him seem more depressed. The contrast between the characters shows positivity can help with hope.

The Frank family demonstrated the power of hope through support. During their hiding, they supported each other. And because of support they have multiple benefits such as in this article by Mayo Clinic “Other studies have shown the benefit of a network of social support, including the following: Improving the ability to cope with stressful situations, Alleviating the effects of emotional distress, Promoting lifelong good mental health, Enhancing self-esteem, Lowering cardiovascular risks, such as lowering blood pressure, Promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors” The medical and mental health have a massive effect over the hiding people. Most importantly the mental health is very important when a massive group of people tries to hunt and kill you. In addition, when being in a small space and practically no connection to the outside world which means, a small cardiovascular problem may lead to massive effects in the world with no doctors or medical knowledge.

The Frank family remained positive after all that happened to them. The Franks never gave up hope even though most friends around them are going missing and are probably dead. The Frank family performed an unmanageable task, staying hidden from the Nazis for about 3 years. In all that time the Franks remained positive and didn’t lose hope no matter what. So, in your life, you are being dragged to the bottom of an endless pit, and you think nothing can help. But if you grab on to hope sooner or later you will get out of the hole.

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