Essay Sample: Is Social Media Beneficial for Teenagers?

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 374
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 June 2022

Throughout the 21st century, social media rose and now dominates society more than ever. From video sharing apps such as YouTube and Tiktok to lifestyle content apps of Instagram and Pinterest, social media are a way to post content around the world. Although almost all demographics actively engage with social media platforms, teenagers are the most active; with over 93% online per day. Despite social media reaping the benefits of staying engaged and connected with others, do the disadvantages outweigh the positives and do teenagers benefit from using social platforms? The effects of social media for teenagers continue to divide minds; on one hand, people believe that social media allows for creativity, communication, and connection with loved ones. Contrarily, people are concerned with the rise of mental illnesses, overexposure and negativity, and lack of privacy.

Social supporters interpret the use of social media as beneficial for teenagers and young people around the world and believe connecting with social platforms permit communication with one another, connect with other platforms, and facilitate change and awareness of modern issues.

Communication with friends is one of the key reasons teenagers use social media. Over 72% of teenagers reported they primarily used social media to connect to their loved ones. According to Pew’s research, 64% of all teenagers made new friendships through social media platforms, while 94% of teenagers use social platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat to connect and spend time with friends. Additionally, more than 80% of teenagers feel social media impacted them to stay connected and involved with their colleagues' lives. Features including “sending snaps” on Snapchat, liking and commenting on posts on Instagram, and private messaging and sharing content allows friends to connect online and allows users to develop and establish relationships.

The rise of social media contains assets and liabilities for teenagers.  Although both parties acknowledge that social media is prominent in the modern world, the advantages and disadvantages of said platforms bisect society. On one hand, social media are perceived as valuable for teenagers due to their use of connecting with loved ones, providing a platform and entertainment and expression, and spreading awareness of social injustices. In contrast, the opposition concludes social media is harmful to teenagers, as social media contributes to mental struggles,  toxicity, and invasion of privacy. Despite the split in opinion, social media provides a platform and is used by a large audience throughout the world, and will continue to rise to this day.

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