Essay Sample about Rats, Sloths and Sharks

📌Category: Animals, Environment
📌Words: 860
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 23 July 2022

Sloths are slow, Sharks are daring, and rats are mischievous. Many people misunderstand them and assume they are predators or weak links. Animals have built the way for humanity and for the way we live today. Many authors have noticed this and have written fascinating articles about misassumptions about animals. Others have talked about it to a live audience. This is great to show the world the magnificent animals that can be found all around us. Humans have presented ways to why certain animals are dumb or questioned why certain animals were made. Everything has a reason, and these misassumptions affect animals in ways that they could get hurt or killed. Rats, sloths and sharks are 3 of many animals that have built the way for humans and our society today, but many still have the wrong idea about them. 

Rats are very smart animals and rats are very good at problem-solving. When some people think of rats they picture small filthy animals, but rats have many features that help them survive. In the text, “Year of the Rat,” it states, “Many people loathe rats and associate them with disease and filth – hardly a four-star recommendation for the furry creatures. But the truth is, they are highly intelligent animals, have been amazingly beneficial in medicine, and can be very affectionate pets, says a Texas A&M University veterinarian and rat expert.” These misunderstandings impact rats in ways that could get them killed or harmed. Many times, when people see rats, they freak out. The rat could be harmless and just looking for food. Rats are framed as the bad guys. These sneaky little 4-legged jerks, always out to get food. Rats have presented ways that show they are powerful animals, and they can survive in the harsh world. Rats have proven ways to interpret the situation and get the best out of it. Over time, rats will be able to prove to the world their worth, knowledge, and show their true colors.   

Misinterpreting sloths is what many do often. A lot of people think that sloths are slow mammals with no reason to live. Sloths have a strong bloodline, and they happen to be a very successful mammals. In the Ted talk narrated by Lucy Cooke, she explains the different ways how sloths survive and their tactics to survive while being slow. We learn about the sloth diet, their agility, and even how they mate. These misassumptions could affect sloths when they need it the most. If a sloth is down and they need help someone could just turn away and think, what a dumb, slow creature, they don’t deserve any help. In the Ted Talk “Sloths” it states, “Sloths are very misunderstood. Many people think that sloths are stupid and too slow to survive. Sloths are a very successful mammal, and they have a strong bloodline as well.” This quote proves that sloths are misunderstood, and many misinterpret sloths and the way they live. Sloths have proven that being slow doesn’t always have to be a disadvantage. Sloths live their life to the fullest even if they aren’t able to do things like other mammals. Sloths are very misunderstood, and the world should realize that being slow doesn’t have to be a disadvantage. Sloths show us every day, that slow and steady wins the race. 

When many hear the word, “shark,” they think of the word “attack” says Elaina Zachos the author of the article, “Why are we afraid of sharks? There's a scientific explanation.” Humans have developed a strong fear of sharks. Even though there is a slight chance for a shark attack to happen, many people still get fear that they are swimming in shark-infested waters. Nobody wants to die in the jaws of a great white shark. These misunderstandings impact sharks in many remarkable ways. Sharks appeared on Earth more than 400 million years ago. They are a crucial part of life at sea. In the movie “Soul Surfer” we can see straightforward how sharks are mistreated, and many misunderstand sharks. In the movie, we see how the father of Bethany Hamilton, hires a group to find and kill the shark that injured Bethany. This shark attack was a complete accident, and it proves how many misunderstand sharks. In many other movies, sharks portray these vicious and dangerous sea creatures, when they aren’t like this swimming normally at sea. In the text, it states, “Rather, Ropeik says, we're terrified of how sharks could kill us. Being eaten alive by a 15-foot-long tiger shark seems like a painful way to suffer through death, and we dread the possibility that a shark attack could be the thing that kills us.” This quote from the text proves that sharks are very misunderstood. Sharks have made their way into society as something we fear rather than adore. Sharks are a vital part of ocean habitats, and we should care about sharks and what they do for our oceans. 

Sharks, rats and sloths experience the same feelings that humans do. Animals can’t express themselves the same as humans. Animals misunderstand humans. Humans aren’t always able to read animal body language and what animals are feeling. Animals express themselves through body language like humans express themselves through talking or facial expressions. Everyone can feel deflected and misunderstood at times. When humans assume things about animals it can very much affect them in negative ways. Animals are important to the environment and our daily life. Animals thrive and help humanity every day. Many times, animals are misunderstood by humans and that can affect them. 

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