Essay Sample about Gen Z

📌Category: Sociology
📌Words: 421
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 June 2022

Gen Z is those born from 1996 to 2014. They are the largest population group. Good and bad traits make them stand out, from knowing someone from that generation or being one. People view them as equally alike, but the internet had a lot to do with their overall traits. Not all of the Gen z are the same. Gen z generation has great qualities, including being open to faith, accepting sexual fluidity, and being justice-minded.

Internet access gave them the freedom to view everything. That gave them the good trait of being acceptable to one's faith. From seeing my brothers born in that Gen, I see how we were not forced into any religion from our parents. And today, it makes them more acceptable of other beliefs since they were not forced. That makes for a better world where people respect one's religion, making Gen Z individuals a vital part of our world. Since Gen z was not guided in the faith by peers, they want to learn and explore religions for themselves.

In accepting sexual preference, Gen Z is more in support of people in the LGTB. One reason was the access to the internet. But in a sense, it helped to where they learned about sexuality and know support gay marriages which today is a law where people can marry whomever they want. Gen z is an excellent population to have. If not, it would cause a lot of problems and discrimination. Today it is a norm to see same-sex couples and not how it is respected. That is why today we see the acceptance and respect of our choice of sexual preference.

Gen Z being justice-minded is a good trait that has helped so many people today. From racism against African Americans, it caused so much movement and justice for the racism that happens today. From police officers discriminating and killing just because of your color. They have helped protect the less respected and developed laws to change the world. They are generous in helping with discrimination and helping the needy and have created organizations in response to the issues. And accept people for whom they are examples in jobs how you can not be discriminated by your race, religion, or sexual preference.

Overall Gen, z has great traits that have shaped this world. Although some don't think the same because of their access to the internet, not all are the same, so we can not judge them by what some say about them. Their lack of religion should not judge them if it were not their fault but look at the good characteristics they have given this world, from being open to faith and supporting justice and to one's sexual preference.

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