Essay Sample about Volunteering

📌Category: Sociology
📌Words: 311
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands: one for helping yourself, and the other for helping others, by Audrey Hepburn. Volunteerism is the act of giving one's time and abilities for the benefit of others rather than for personal gain. Being a university student, I agree that more university students should be involved in volunteer work.

I agree that volunteering may help us connect with others. When we participate in volunteer activities, we will have the opportunity to meet people from other states and even nations. Volunteering also provides an opportunity for shy students to practise and improve their social skills. Nearly 90% of people in a poll of over 1,000 adults reported that volunteering benefited their social lives. It has the potential to broaden our social networks and improve our social abilities.

In addition, I agree that volunteering may assist people with bettering their emotional and physical health. Volunteering can help to reduce depression and anxiety, particularly among university students. People who volunteer on a regular basis have lower rates of depression than those who do not, according to research conducted by the Corporation for National and Community Service. Volunteering gives us the opportunity to get some exercise. The majority of volunteer work demands physical exertion, such as running and walking. Participants who volunteered on a regular basis lived longer, according to research published in Health Psychology 2012.

I also believe that volunteering may help us improve our resumes We may not have much work experience as university students Volunteering is an effective strategy to demonstrate that we have past professional experience. It can also make it easier to respond to interviewers' higher-order thinking inquiries by referring to our volunteer experiences.

In conclusion, I totally agree that more university students should be involved in volunteer work. Participating in volunteer activity not only benefits us, but it also benefits others, so why not do it? Volunteering is an excellent opportunity to meet people and obtain the experience we need to pursue the profession we've always wanted.

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