Essay Example on People vs. Andrew Madison Case

📌Category: Crime
📌Words: 455
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 July 2022

In case of People vs. Andrew Madison, the defendant is innocent of disorderly conduct, assault and battery, and assault of an officer.While it is true that Andrew Madison had a swiss army knife, I am still certain Madison is innocent because he had never had the intent of using it for harm of a person. The verdict is innocent based on the line of reasoning of being confused and never having intent of harm.

First, Andrew Madison shouldn’t be convicted on disorderly conduct. Madison had stalled to convey to the officer when he was approached because he was startled. As in the same that anyone else would be confused when being aggressively questioned by a police man. Although Andrew Madison did convey to the officer and went to pull out his school ID from his pocket. Bates had described the boys on the corner as being loud and obnoxious. In context it was a half day of school the day before a long Thanksgiving break. It is common for highschool boys to be loud and obnoxious when hanging out with friends they wo see for a while. In the same way as it it common for highschool boys to playfully make fun of their friends regardless if they are girls or not.

Secondly, Andrew Madison shouldn’t be convicted of assault and battery. Madison did not cause any physical harm or force. He had repelled against the officer because of the pain he had been in.When Madison was following the directions of the officer by pulling out his school ID, his swiss army knife had been in his pocket as well. Bates, the officer, was to forcibly reach for the knife and flipped it open. The force that Bates created made for the knife to popping open. Madison had caused no harm and was simply trying to reach for his ID. Bates had flipped open the knife leading to hurting Madison. 

Thirdly,Andrew Madison shouldn’t be convicted of assault of an officer. Madison had no intent of hurting or assaulting BAtes. His actions and intentions were not the cause of the incisdiate.If Madison really wanted to hurt the officer he wouldn't have brought a two inch dull knife, only good for cutting fruit, to do it. He would also have acted more nervous when Bates approached him. Instead he simply had the knife because it was special to him since it was passed down generations in his family. 

To restate, Andrew Madison is innocent of disorderly conduct, assault and battery, and assault of an officer. He shouldn't be charged based on the line of reasoning of being unsure of what and why the officer was questioning him. Madison also never had any intent of harming Bates and therefore shouldn’t be convicted of assault and battery. Bates had began the attack on Madison making Madison innocent of assault of an officer. Therefore Madison shouldn’t be convicted of disorderly conduct, assault and battery, or assault of an officer.

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