Juveniles Should Not Be Treated The Same As Adults Persuasive Essay Example

📌Category: Crime, Criminal Justice
📌Words: 449
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

I am writing this letter to try and persuade you that prison is not a proper punishment for juvenile offenders for the upcoming bill voting. In 1899, the world’s first juvenile court opened in Chicago; the court went by two principles: they lacked full maturity, and they could be rehabilitated more successfully. But, since there’s been a rise in juvenile crimes over recent years, many states have adopted legislation that allows children as young as 14 to be tried as adults. Sentencing juveniles to prison the same way as adults is harmful because their brains aren’t fully developed, and prisons aren’t suited for juveniles. Instead of sending juvenile offenders to adult prisons, we should send them to rehabilitation centers/juvie; that would benefit them.

I can understand why you’d want to try juvenile offenders as adults, especially when they’ve committed a serious crime. You may think it’ll discourage minors from committing more crimes due to more severe punishments. However, juveniles usually act on emotion, not logic. An article called “Experts Link Teen Brains’ Immaturity, Juvenile Crime” says, “juveniles are more vulnerable or susceptible to negative influences and outside pressures, including peer pressure,” causing them to have less control over their environment.” To summarize, minors are easily persuaded by negative influences and peer pressure, which makes them more likely to act on impulse. This is because teen brains’ frontal lobes aren’t fully developed. This part of the brain makes you think rationally and consider the consequences of your actions. Another point I’d like to bring up is that prisons aren’t properly-suited to take care of juveniles. You may argue that if you commit a crime, you have to deal with the harsh consequences. For juveniles, this can be very damaging. An article named “Prison is a Poor Deterrent, and a Dangerous Punishment” says, “Prisons generally do not require that correctional officers receive appropriate training to deal with youth populations, nor do they offer training on the social, emotional or psychological needs of young people.” Meaning, the officers that work in prisons, are only taught how to take care of adult offenders; who don’t have the same needs as teens do. Teens need emotional, psychological, and social experience/help, which is much harder, if not impossible, to get in prison. Studies have shown that due to juveniles’ needs not being met in prison, they become repeat offenders and have a harder time getting in touch with society.

Sentencing juveniles to prison the same way as adults is harmful because their brains aren’t fully developed, and prisons aren’t suited for juveniles. I understand how difficult this decision is and being in such a big position, but, many minors will be grateful if you take this offer. They wouldn’t have to worry about not being able to live a normal life. I am respectfully asking you to vote that juveniles should not be tried as adults on the upcoming bill. Thank you for your time.

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