Essay Example on Domestic Violence

📌Category: Social Issues, Violence
📌Words: 687
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Did you know that 60% of children are exposed to or are victims of domestic violence? And one in three woman and one in nine men are or have experienced domestic violence including rape and assult just in america.This shows that domestic violence is far too common.  Domestic violence is a major issue that affects people in many ways such as physically, mentally and emotionally All Over America. 

Though you may not think it's that common, Millions of people are affected by domestic violence year. Martin R. Huecke states,  ”At least 5 million acts of domestic violence occur annually to women aged 18 years and older, with over 3 million involving men'' (Huecker). This Shows a great portion of domestic violence happens towards women. Meaning it's more common for women to be victimized by Violence. That's on average 13,000 acts of violence against women  in one singular day. Huecker also says “The most common acts of domestic abuse fall on young women and early adults and with that 60% involve men'' (Huecker). Which means women are a large chunk of the victims of domestic violence. And with that over half are involving a male figure as the abuser. Making it about one in five women being victimized by assault. But this did not all just start at once, domestic violence has been an issue for hundreds of years. 

Domestic violence has been around for centuries and most commonly known in households against the wife. In the article History of Intimate Partner Violence Reform written by Jesica lee, she states: “Domestic violence has been around for centuries dating back to the 1500s. 1500’s-1800’s: Early settlers in America based their laws on an Old-English common-law that explicitly permits wife-beating for correctional purposes''(Lee). This shows it has been a common thing to show acts of physical violence against women. This is not a new issue. And for a long time there was never any motivation to put a stop to it, no matter how harsh the circumstances were.  There was no sign of even trying to stop this till the late 1800s Lee writes “1871, when Alabama and Massachusetts made wife beating illegal” (Lee). Finally after over 200 years states started getting the hint that this was wrong. Even after those two states made it illegal it took a decade for all the other states to follow suit. Because of those acts we still have abusers and acts if domestic violence today, though now not only against the wife.Woman are most common victims but not the only ones, children and young adults also take up a large portion of these statistics, 

In fact up to ten million kids in America have had to deal with domestic violence from teachers, family friends and in homes in general.The number of estimated kids abused or who have had to deal with an abusive realashonship firdt hand has skyrocketed in the past years. Firsthand domestic violence doesn't only affect them physically but mentaly as well.  ”Children’s exposure to violence, whether as victims or witnesses, is often associated with long-term physical, psychological, and emotional harm” (Joyful Heart Foundation). So many long term tramas are caused by violence from a young age. Children even suffer from issues and effects of domestic violence even if it is not directed towards them. For example if they notice their parents have an abusive  relationship yelling at each other or being physical, they have a high chance of holding that with them through adulthood. There are many ways that they could be affected later in life. “Violence is extremely widespread and has lifelong impacts. Children exposed to violence are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol; suffer from depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic disorders' ' (Joyful Heart Foundation). It can affect the way you are able to connect to people when you are older. And can make it harder to open up to people if domestic violence causes them to have depreason it could make it harder to cope and could lead them to a worsen PTSD. This is why domestic violence is a major issue with children. 

Therefore Domestic Violence is an issue that needs to be stopped. It's hurting all types of people each day in so many ways. millions of people of all ages, races and genders are constantly in life threatening situations including domestic violence everyday. This issue is far too common and needs to be put to a stop.

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