Essay Example: Civilization and Culture

📌Category: Culture
📌Words: 1041
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 23 July 2022

The general concept of the word “culture” is quite broad and allows itself to be expressed in many different ways. Many different cultures have some similarities between them which can either leave serenity or war in its place. Conflictual economy and all of its aspects does not compare well to the civilization we have today. 

Different types of cultures exist all over the world. Cultures even have subcultures within themselves. One country's culture may have over one hundred different subcultures. Though, they may not all live in peace within each other. If one subculture hates another one, there will be generations upon generations of hate built up. The tension between the two cultures may stem from generational trauma, ignorance, unwillingness to participate in peace offerings, or just one disagreement. In any of those cases, there will start to be a hatred or dislike shared between the cultures. One that is passed on from generation to generation, with those finding any way to argue and defend their culture. Every culture has its own uniqueness to it, which many people question and take into consideration about their own culture. 

In most, if not all, cultures compare themselves to one another. They pick out what is different and what is similar, whether they are analyzing one culture or a few at a time. As ‘culture’ is a very broad word, comparing and differentiating may be a challenge. Comparing one's culture to those in a completely different continent may find more differentiations rather than similarities. Thus, a superiority complex develops. Comparisons turn into which culture is better and breaking it up into subcultures. Exploiting one single negative aspect of a culture and beginning to have a dislike for it without even understanding the reasoning behind it. They will believe that their experiences are different and that there aren’t any negatives within their culture.Though, every culture, institution and authority figure has something to hide. Those who purposely look through the negative aspects of another culture may be blinded by the small things hidden from them. In some cases, they criticize others because they aren’t allowed to criticize their own. They may try but are shut down by anyone who is considered ‘elder’ or anyone who has authority and power in the culture. Small similarities that appear within every culture. There must be one aspect that they all have in common, making it easier for optimists. For some people, having similarities with a culture means sharing their experiences and their culture’s experiences with one of another. For others, it may seem threatening as they believe that their culture is unique and incomparable. In the end, comparing one’s culture to another is a part of human nature as well as trying to feel superior compared to others. 

Unity is a very powerful word. It represents everyone and their aligned beliefs as they go forward as one. Subcultures may have disagreements and arguments within themselves. Yet, when faced with a threat, there is unity all around. There are many kinds of threats that a culture may be faced with; arguments within themselves, riots, wars… All of this can be either caused by internal or external factors. An argument or disagreement may break out between two members of a subculture and can create a huge problem that it travels from the subculture to the entire culture itself; Riots are possible if the argument does not get resolved within the parties involved. They will resort to harming the other party and possibly innocent bystanders in their way of proving who is right and who is wrong; A war is possible if issues between two or more subcultures are not able to resolve their conflict. They will have no choice but to resort to using violence as an answer. Conflicts. Any type of conflict which cannot be resolved internally or externally will lead to war. There will be the two subcultures originally involved, with possible others joining either side in order to help. In an incredibly odd way, that is a form of unity. In every conflict, there are those who do not agree with the side they are on. However, they have no choice but to support their side as it shows weakness.The culture appears weak if not everyone is united and is joined in their united front. There is a choice of whether to be shunned and cut off from loved ones or to join the team by force. When it comes to war and using violence, there will be unity within the subcultures and possibly even the massive concept of culture. 

Civilization and culture are two completely different concepts. Civilization is everyone living in somewhat harmony. Race, gender, ethnicity, cultural background, wealth, nothing even similar to that matters. Despite differences, civilization has to do with human nature and materialistic objects. Civilization keeps changing, the world keeps adapting to new technology and is always improving. It never stays the same as there is always something new being invented in order to keep civilization moving forward. Within civilization, there are societies and communities. Unlike culture, these societies and communities are much more broad and inclusive. They are not restricted from anyone, no matter what background they are from. Communities are somewhat less inclusive, they involve people from a specific area and discuss issues about said specific area. Society is formed from many communities and generally discusses big issues that may not be solved by those in one specific community. Culture is very restricted, only those of a specific background may be considered ‘part’ of a culture or cultured. Culture involves traditions, ceremonies, customs, possibly some religious aspects, clothing, food and events that happen on specific days. None of these aspects are arguable as it has been passed down by generations. There is no questioning of why things happen the way they do. Culture doesn’t necessarily adapt. There is no need for it to adapt unless change is absolutely needed. Culture isn’t needed in order for human life to survive, it is not an essential thing in life. Compare that to civilization, the need for adaptation is very much present. Civilization cannot live in the past, it must evolve into a better future for humans. Questioning how things happen and why they happen is very much an option which causes debates. Changes within civilization happen all of the time with there needing to be evidence in order to create that change. Culture doesn’t have an authority figure, the rules and customs have been created ages ago with only history as evidence. The authority figures in civilization are country leaders, those who make the final decision on everything based on science and what the civilians want. In spite of the many differences between civilization and culture, there are quite a few noticeable similarities between the two.

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