Effects of Racism on Society Essay Example

📌Category: Racism, Social Issues
📌Words: 514
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Racism has been a serious problem throughout our history as Americans alone. And currently, it is as much of a problem as always. Currently, a Black person that has been employed earns 25% less than their White counterparts. And 15% percent of students in the US have experienced and reported race-based bullying. So racism has become more of a problem than ever and affects people in three main ways such as bullying, workplace inequality, and the Criminal Justice System. 

To begin with, racially-based bullying and harassment is a serious problem, especially in a school. The bullying can go from casual remarks up to getting physically assaulted and verbally abused. This is a very big problem because according to education.vic.gov, “racist bullying can have long-term negative effects on students’ physical/mental health, school attendance, and educational attainment”. Secondly, racism-based bullying happens way too much in schools, let alone bullying in general. According to education.vic.gov “According to a study in 2014 one fifth of students in Australia experienced at least one form of direct racism every day”.  Finally, when people are in a school community it can not only affect the individual person but can also affect the entire school community. Proving this point, education.vic.gov says, “Racist bullying can impact the: student(s) experiencing racist bullying and their sense of belonging to the school community and wider school community and school culture”. In conclusion, racist-based bullying and harassment is a real problem throughout the entire world especially when it is in a school community. 

Secondly, racism is quite abundant now just as much as ever in workplaces and jobs around the world. To begin there is a huge wage gap between people of different colors and sexes. As of 2021 according to payscale.com, the median pay scale for White men was $75,000 and the median for Black men was $73,900 for the same job and qualifications. Secondly, this is not just race being affected but it is gender too so a Black woman makes even less than a Black man with the same job. To prove this payscale.com says, “Black women earn $0.97 for every dollar earned by a White man with the same job and qualifications”. Finally, it is not just Black people that are making less money than White people but it is other races as well. According to payscale.com, men that are Hispanic, American Indian, or Alaskan native on average make less money than a White man; and the women of those same races make even less. In conclusion, there is a huge issue in society at the moment where people that do just as well of a job get paid less than their coworkers just because they are of a different color or sex. 

Finally, racism in the Criminal Justice System is possibly one of the biggest racism-related problems in today's society. Starting it off there is police brutality, which in the past two years has really come to light in many people's eyes. Proving this policeviolencereport.org says that in 2021 1,134 people were killed by police, only 11 officers were charged with a crime, and 48 out of the 78 unarmed people killed were people of color. Secondly, people of color get arrested and pulled over far more often than White people. Supporting this claim thehill.com says “Black people 5 times more likely to be arrested than whites”.

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