Driving Age Essay Example

📌Category: Law
📌Words: 588
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 May 2021

Turning 16 is every child's dream. They finally get the chance to drive. Driving is something almost everyone looks forward to before they are no longer a teenager. It gives you a sense of freedom before you have the full freedom of being an adult. So it only makes sense to let teens enjoy that time before they no longer can. The driving age should remain at the age of 16 because it allows for gain in independence, gain in experience, and less of a hassle for parents. 

The first reason why the minimum driving age should remain at 16 is that it allows teens to have more independence. Getting in the car and being able to drive wherever you want, whenever you want is one of the greatest opportunities in life. That feeling of sitting in the drivers’ seat and saying “ok I’ve got this, this, and this to do and I don’t have to worry about getting a ride.” is probably one of the biggest sighs of relief for anyone. People need to learn to be independent because not everyone is going to be able to drive you everywhere or make decisions for you. Being independent is knowing how to do things for yourself. Naturally, allowing teens to drive at 16 gives them all that sense of independence that each and every one of them needs to learn. 

The second reason why the minimum driving age should remain at 16 is that it allows for more time to gain experience.  When you first start driving there is still so much you have to learn. Your driving instructor can only teach you so much. You learn through the experience of driving on your own. When putting yourself behind the steering wheel, there is always that chance of getting into a circumstance that you don’t know how to get out of. It is a matter of gaining that time and allowing yourself to learn these things. No one is going to be a perfect driver. But one can easily see that the more time you have to gain that experience, the better driver you will become. 

The third reason why the minimum driving age should remain at 16 is that it is less of a hassle for parents. When your son or daughter was a child, you always had to make plans to be able to pick them up or drop them off somewhere. Now that they can drive, it allows them to be much more dependable. They can run errands for you or transport their siblings when needed. It is much more convenient. Having a teenager who can drive allows the parents to take a breather and not have to stress all the time about how their kids are going to get from place to place. While it may be easy to assume that teens will be reckless and cause more harm than good, we need to consider that they will make the right decisions. We need to have trust in these teenagers. That being said, teens should not feel like they are being a constant burden on their parents. 

In conclusion, because it allows teens to be more independent, gain more experience, and less of a hassle for parents, we should keep the minimum driving age at 16. Driving is an important matter in everyday life. Almost everyone does it, and as soon as teens are eligible to drive we do it too. Yes, there are many safety concerns regarding the age at which teens should begin to drive, but we should be able to drive. It allows us the opportunity to do anything that we need to do without the constant worry of upsetting someone. We should have the right to be able to drive at the age of 16.

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