Customer Satisfaction in Business Essay Example

📌Category: Business, Marketing
📌Words: 515
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 July 2022

Customer satisfaction. The primary goal for any business is to please the customer. Employers recognize that when people are unhappy with service, they fail to come back. If a retail employee commented on your body, would you purchase their clothes? If a grocery store employee judged you for what you had in your cart, would you buy food from that store? If a server sighed when you changed your dinner order, would you want to eat at that restaurant again? Most people would simply respond “no.” It makes no sense for you to continue going somewhere if you were being treated poorly. People prefer to be treated kindly. They want to be treated with human decency. 

Corporations pride themselves on customer service. They do not allow workers to handle guests unjustly. Workers go through training on and off the floor of their jobs. They are conditioned to smile and treat people properly. They are trained to understand that the customer’s experience and feelings are the priority. According to Forbes, two-thirds of companies compete based on customer service. Businesses have high service standards for employees, but the customer did not go through this kind of training. The customer does not have to smile and treat the worker properly. The customer understands that their experience and feelings are the priority and that gives them power.

A customer does not need to yell or place a complaint to make a worker feel worthless. Having a job that requires being at beck and call to another is already pride-stripping, but customers make it worse when they act mean. Something as simple as tone can affect how a person makes someone else feel, so what makes a worker any different? Just because a worker cannot talk back does not make it okay to be cruel. 

When a guest is raising their voice or getting angry, employees are supposed to diffuse the situation in a way to satisfy the customer. The worker usually has to take responsibility for the issue even at their own expense. They keep a smile and a calm temperament for you because your experience is all that matters.

An Indeed article about rude customers lists the ways to solve an issue, “Be empathetic, listen actively, chunk the issue, repeat what the customer has said back to them, stay calm and stoic, offer solutions, act quickly, offer a sincere apology, and pay close attention to your tone.” Giving the customer what they want is the only way to fix a problem. 

No matter how people treat workers, the customer is always right. If they say it is your fault, then it is your fault. If they say something is wrong, you need to resolve the issue. Smile, apologize, repeat.

Working this kind of job is a choice. You sign up to be a puppet. You need to smile and be nice. You need to be attentive but also know when it’s a bad time to interrupt. You need to listen to issues and try to fix them, but you cannot seem condescending. You need to know when people want you to engage and be yourself or when they want you to be like a robot who just does tasks. Working this kind of job is a choice, but it is also a customer’s choice to treat a worker like a puppet.

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