Compare and Contrast the Mexican and Chinese Revolutions

📌Category: History, History of China
📌Words: 398
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 28 April 2021

For my Compare and Contrast Revolution Paper, I will be comparing and contrasting China and Mexico. I’m going to start by pointing out their similarities. All Revolutions happen for a reason- to reform their society, and to make it a better place. There are different ways to go about this, but often times it includes violence. Often, violence is the only way to get your message across. First of all, both of these Revolutions were fought to make it a better place for low/working class individuals. There is also a push for liberalism and progressiveness. 

One difference is that China was pushing for Communism/Bolshevism, whilst Mexico was pushing for industrialization and to make it a proper nation. China was trying to keep Communism. The Mexican Revolution was to rid itself of a dictatorship (Porfirio Diaz)  and for industrialization. 

The Mexican Revolution accomplished separation of church and state and the Constitution. You could say that the Mexican Revolution birthed an entirely new political enlightenment. Porfirio Diaz and his army ruled for over 30 years, and many people were tired of it. The revolution was also brought about to benefit the poor, as there were great differences in life for the poor and rich in Mexico. 

The Chinese Revolution ended the imperial system as well as brought in Communism. The Chinese Communist Revolution ended with a result in which the Communists won. China became Red; a communist nation. There was a period of lots of propaganda and warfare. 

Another similarity between the Chinese and Mexican Revolutions is that both involved violence. In China it was particulary worse, with public humiliation, torture, murder, and suicide being normal. Around 1.5 million people died as a result of the Mexican Revolution. Many Mexicans seeked refuge in the United States. Many leaders were assassinated. In China, things were much worse. 40-80 million people had died as a result of Mao Zedong. He had many counter revolutionists killed, because he felt they were a threat to the Chinese Communist Revolution. Jiang Jieshi ordered his troops to slaughter all communists and it’s followers. Many of the low class citizens fought many hardships in China. 

The last difference I am going to speak about is that the Chinese Revolution was kind of a step backwards, but the Mexican Revolution was more progressive. The Mexican Revolution was actually fought with reason against tyranny, and the Chinese Revolution fought FOR tyranny, killing anyone that got in the way. I believe that the Chinese Communism Revolution has “tainted” China from then and now on. The Mexican Revolution just made things more livable and nice. It was justifiable. 

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