Causes of the End of the Roman Republic Essay Example

📌Category: History, Roman Empire
📌Words: 853
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Politicians in the Roman Republic started breaking the tradition based on status morals. The change of the hierarchy started after the son of the king raped Lucretia in 590 B.CE. showing gender abuse in the system. Romans then wanted to create a political system that shared power among male citizens and not an individual ruler to avoid abuse and violence. That was not always the case.

It took over 250 difficult years to create the republic. The republic had two orders, the Patricians and the plebeians. The patricians were around 130 families of aristocrats that could control public religion and monopolize the political office. Most plebeians were poor and demanding farmland and help with debts. 

In order to become a consul, a male had to climb the ladder of stairs, which was quaestor, aedile, and finally, praetor. Additionally, the elected official had to have served 10 years in the military. Ten plebeian officials swore to protect their fellow plebeians as Tribunes. At three assemblies, elections were conducted, trials were decided, and legislation passed. There were three assemblies: the Centuriate Assembly, the Plebeian Assembly, and the Tribal Assembly. The Praetors decided most cases until the third century, when senators called jurists helped.The Praetors decided most cases until the third century, then senators called jurists helped.

The Gracchius brothers pressured the wealthy to increase the durability of Rome. Tiberius became tribune 133 B.C.E and redistributed land to the landless and to put new farms on the land by using Attalid’s gift of his kingdom. Announcing that he would run for reelection of tribune, angered his opponents, because it violated the rules of political terms. Wanting to run had the opponents lead senators and clients to murder Tiberius. Many clients shouted, “Save the republic!”

Tiberius' brother, Gaius, was twice elected, in 123 and 120 BCE. This changed the consecutive terms tradition, angering the elite, and also subsidized prizes for grain, more farms, public work to help the poor, and colonies abroad providing farms to the landless. There were new juries composed of equites, or businessmen whose primary goal was to make money.

121 B.C.E. Gaius attempted to make other plans but the senators blocked him. He then threatened to fight back violently. Senators told consuls, "To take all measures necessary to defend the republic." Following an attack on Gaius, he killed himself by having a slave cut his throat, while many of his supporters were also killed. 

As a result of killing and murder in relation to politics and reforms, factions emerged that were aggressive interest groups called optimates and popular, causing more violence.As a result of killing and murder in relation to politics and reforms, factions emerged that were aggressive interest groups called optimates and populars, causing more violence. People chose their politics for different reasons, policies and some for their own political advancement. Either way, they were belligerent parties creating dangerous violence until the end of the republic.

Next, Marius, the man famous for his brilliant military record, was elected consul in Rome 107 B.C.E; he did so well as commander that he was elected 6 times, breaking the tradition.

Uprisings by Non-Romans in Italy and Asia happened in the early first century and Lucius Corrnelius Sulla wasn’t afraid to take advantage of that. Sulla used his client to take over Rome’s highest offices with support of the senate. Optimates were now the favored party, making senators the ones that can hold cases against their tribunes.  Rome used to go by their moral values which were mos majoram, virtus, and fides, but it did not matter anymore, because the government was over peace. Sulla was given immunity to prosecution, even being called a dictator by a terrorized senate, savoring his ability to abuse his power. While it may be true changes had already started, Sullawas the start to the shattering of the Republic.  

As well as Sulla, Julius Caesar, a general demanding consulship without the ladder and being nowhere near the legal age 70 B.C.E was a big addition to the republic. Pompey created a First Triumvirate, with Caesar was given the role of consulship in 59 BC.E and could build his own army of clients. To create a bond between the two enemies, Caesar had Pompey marry his daughter, although it only lasted until Julia died of childbirth, making violence break loose in the streets. 

Even though the republic had a tradition of two consuls, in 52 B.C.E, the senate was convinced to make Pompay a consul alone by Caesar’s enemies, causing a start to the civil war at the order of Caesar to surrender. Pompey and some senators fled. In 45 B.C.E Caesar won the civil war and thought that the violent factions could be gone without a king, but one ruler, by creating a monarchy and calling himself a dictator.  The dictatorship pleased some people, but some, like his friend, Marcus Junius Brunus, were so angry that they stabbed him multiple times, murdering him next to his son. This is what was the end of the republic. 

The Roman republic started on values and morals, but it changed to power and Money. Tthe individuals are the ones that caused the end of the Roman republic, by changing their reason for being in office. Both Pompey and Caesar joined for money and power leading to a civil war while Octavian ignored the ladder of offices, forcing the senate to make him consul after coming back from the civil war.  The patricians want the money, so with the Gracchius brothers helping plebeias Tyrants, there is violence and murder.

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