The Legacy Of George Washington Essay Example

📌Category: Government, History, History of the United States, President of the United States, United States, World
📌Words: 334
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 June 2021

We know that the first five presidents have altered history by helping to start our nation back in the late 1700s, but only one of them has done the best job at keeping our country great. That guy is George Washington. Washington’s actions during the revolutionary war and as our first president, helped make America what it is today. George Washington’s legacy makes him the most important president in America’s history.

One reason why George Washington left the most important legacy is because he was the general and commander in chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution from 1775 to 1783 and led him to become president in 1789. He led and fought in many battles and helped win the battle of Yorktown which ended the war. After the war, he helped form the new democracy and he was elected the very first president of the United States of America. This evidence shows why George Washington left the most important legacy as President. 

During his life, and even up through his death, he accomplished two things that solidify his legacy as the most important president. First, Washington knew moving westward would not only make the country richer, it would also make it larger.  So, he brought rivers together, the Ohio river and the Potomac river, to make transportation easier. Second, in his will, he declared his slaves would be free, after the death of his wife. This action freed about 123 people. George Washington was the only president to have freed his slaves. 

Everyone knows that George Washington was the first president, but I believe that he has left the most important legacy because how he became president was remarkable, and almost unbelievable. Washington did many wonderful things and has left a lasting legacy, more than any other president. He has changed our lives, and our history, forever. It’s important to know about this president because he has transformed history, he was brave in war, intelligent as a president, and innovative as a person. I am impressed by his actions, and those actions have inspired me to do great things and I’m sure I am not the only one!

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