Animal Farm by George Orwell Analysis

📌Category: Books, Literature
📌Words: 734
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 April 2021

Ultimately, if you young pigs would like to see a better change on this farm, reverting back to the correct constitution is the first step to achieving it. Before Napoleon and Squealer changed the amendments to fit their own greed, the constitution was very different from what it is now. The rules were much more strict, however, it was fair and benefited everyone a lot more than now. Currently, the amendments are in favor of you pigs and honestly, they go against Animalism. Old Major, a pig who had died long ago so you do not know of him, was the one who first preached about Animalism.  He told us to rise up and rebel against the humans. But, he also told us we were all equal and that humans are bad and we should not indulge in their habits. Look at us now. Because of what Napoleon had done, the amendments are ruined and the teachings of Animalism have been ruined. Fear not, for you young pigs can finally step up and make a change. 

If we do not make a change now, who knows when things will be set right. You have the brains to acknowledge the wrongdoings of your past leader, and you pigs also have the power to help make a change. The animalism commandments came directly from Old Major’s teaching, and at the time everyone agreed with them. But overtime, as the pigs grew more and more in power, they changed them only to help themselves. The other animals never noticed either, for most of them could not read a single word. Whenever an animal was unsure if a new rule or recent announcement went with the commandments or not, they would ask a comrade who could read, and sure enough the commandments always went along with the pigs. Except, there would always be a part that the animals had not remembered before. One night, when everyone was sleeping, there was a crash from the side of the barn and we all went over to investigate. Squealer was found with a ladder and paintbrush, right in front of the wall. None of the animals had noticed, but Squealer was actually painting on more words to alter the commandments to help himself. 

We can all agree that this was wrong of him to do so, yes? Changing a commandment is a big deal and should be discussed with all of the animals on the farm, since it will be affecting everyone. Doing it behind the backs of others and doing it for selfish reasons was not right, and this needs to be fixed. Going back to the original constitution would be a fresh start for us all, and would correct the wrongdoings of the pigs before you. 

Looking back, Napoleon had done many things that went against Animalism, and were harmful to the other animals without them knowing it. For instance, the apples and milk incident. Have you ever wondered why only you pigs are able to eat apples and milk? Soon after the rebellion against Farmer Jones, the man who once ran this farm, happened, the pigs had declared all apples and milk that were harvested would be reserved for them only. Their reason being, since pigs are the brainworkers of this farm, they should have all the apples and milk to help them and their health. This was all said in a speech, after we found out and as a finishing touch, Squealer finished his argument with, “It is for your sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!” You may think this is a reasonable explanation at first, but if apples and milk were good for brainwork and health, why not share it with all the animals? Surely with all the apple trees and cows we have on the farm, the products could have been shared equally. This just shows how manipulative he and the other pigs were at the time. We animals never had a say in their decisions and this is just one of the many problematic experiences. Squealer would make up some excuse, say it was for our sake, and throw Framer Jones into it to scare us into silence at the end. The pigs would say it was all for our sake, but they weren’t thinking about us at all. They only took action for themselves and told us what we wanted to hear. Jones wasn’t even the topic of discussion either, but every time there was an argument to be made, Farmer Jones coming back would be used every single time to frighten us. 

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