The Empath’s Survival Guide Book Analysis Essay

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 713
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 28 July 2022

Medical doctor and author, Judith Orloff writes in her self-help book, “The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People” (2018) to explain that it is possible to feel one’s own emotions and not others. The choices she makes to explain this is by writing from the point of view of an empath, going in depth about what drains an empath, as well as describing the types of empaths and how each type reacts differently. She wrote this book to provide a guideline for empaths in order to help them live a healthy and less overwhelming life. Judith Orloff is using a calm and soothing tone to let empathic readers know that what they are going through is normal and can be overcome. 

To begin with, while writing self-help books it is often helpful to have experience in the troubled area. While introducing what empathy is in the very beginning of the book the reader understands what being overly sensitive is like. The author explains “I am also an empath,” which gives the reader a sense of relativity to the author, establishing a connection. (Orloff 4). The appeal made by the author is being more relative to her audience in other words ethos. This evidence provides an example of the choice made by the author by showing some relatable to her readers as an empath.  During the discussion of an empath’s healing time, Orloff provides a useful clue about herself.The author states “...and so my journey to heal as an empath began,” (Orloff 58). The appeal the author is making by making this choice is to logos , this specific evidence shows everyone that healing is possible. This connects to the thesis by reaching out to the audience about her own struggle.

In addition each empath experiences draining activities day to day, Orloff goes in depth about what actually causes the drains. There are beings called energy vampires that drain an empath’s social energy, especially introverted empaths, while discussing different types of EV (energy vampires), one comes up that caught the readers’ attention. Orloff uses “The Victim” as an example (Orloff 106). This shows an example of what an energy vampire’s behavior can look like, by  making the reader realize that there are more than one type of energy drainer, the author is appealing to…. This choice connects the author to the audience by sharing her experience with this mindset of an energy vampire, this helps the author further her thesis by sharing that one can avoid energy drainers. While talking about what causes energy to be drained from empaths, Orloff mentions “...increase dopamine sensitivity” (Orloff 15). This clarifies how empaths are drained and why the appeal being made is logically speaking in terms of what would drain normal people of energy. This connects the audience and author by showing credible studies of what drains an empath faster and more severely, this helps the author further her thesis by giving reasons on how to avoid being drained. 

Further, there are different types of empaths and different reactions from each one of them. Having a relationship with a non-empath is inevitable as talked about in the book. The author talks about how to “...lovingly explain your reactions so your partner can meet your needs,” (Orloff 93). This shows how the author is telling the reader how to love and have a healthy relationship with non-empaths. This contributes to the thesis by showing self-doubting empaths grow confidence within themselves when it comes to dating others. Whilst introducing the different types of empaths and their own reactions, Orloff states “The following includes different types and how they function…” (Orloff 11). This shows the author is telling the reader the different types of empaths and how they function in a relationship. This contributes to the thesis by showing that there are some simple ways to resolve empaths’ attitudes by learning about what type of empath someone is. 

Ultimately, there are many reasons behind Orloff’s inspiration to write this self-help book. Whether it was to help fellow empaths or even help the empaths partner. The different types of empaths section was a major help, the types of energy vampires, and writing from the point of view of an empath helped the readers, who happened to also be empaths, feel more connected to Judith Orloff. Many empaths struggle living day to day with all of the overstimulation that is life. The book helps those empaths out, those who need that extra help. It might not be for everyone since there’s only a select few that are real empaths, but for those empaths, it is a life saver.

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