Faction System in Divergent Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 536
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 July 2022

Imagine living in a world where you could only have one personality. This is a world where if you didn’t fit into one thing, the government killed you. In Divergent, they have a system just like this. They have five factions to choose to be in for the rest of their lives. They can choose Abnegation, the selfless, Candor, the honest, Erudite, the smart, Amity, the kind, or Dauntless, the brave. If someone does not fit into just one faction, they are hunted and killed. The faction system is not a beneficial way to structure society because it forces people to stay away from their friends and family, it limits what one person can do, and people are meant to have more than one personality trait.

This system forces people to stay away from their friends and family. The main saying is, “faction before blood,” which is stating that once someone chooses their faction the government does not want them going back to their families faction to see them. If someone feels like they do not belong in the faction their family is in, they are being forced to choose if they want to leave their family forever or stay in their families faction. Once they choose their is no changing it. The government believes that once you choose your faction that is all you should care about from there on out. Someone should not have to make that decision and putting every kid in this situation is not right.

Making someone choose one personality limits what one person can do. People sometimes need to be more than one thing to get something done. For instance, someone might need to be smart and brave to handle a certain job. If an abnegation person needed to be selfish to do something they wouldn’t be able to do it. This takes away some of the power of one person and what they could accomplish. Factions are also not supposed to get help from other factions which restrains that even more. People should be able to have others that are stronger in other areas help them to achieve their goals. 

Some people might think that the faction system is goo because it helps someone focus on what they believe without letting other feelings get in the way but people are meant to have more than one personality trait. While not having those distractions may seem like a good thing it could really be doing a lot of harm. If someone wants to get something done so much and doesnt have to worry about affection for other people then it could hurt a lot of people, just like in Divergent. It is also normal for people to feel all kind of emotions. It should be normalized that someone can feel selfish sometimes and selfless another. People can be brave but scared of certain things. Having one personality is not realistic. Humans are made to have many personalities. 

In conclusion, this system is not a good way to benefit society because it makes people leave their families which they are meant to have relationships with, it puts boundaries around what one can accomplish, and takes away someones freedom to show all of their personalities without being in danger. No one should be at risk because they are just normal humans and have emotions and differences. People should have the right to be whoever they want to be and see whoever they want to see.

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