Anesthetic Requirement Is Increased in Redheads Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Genetics, Health, Medicine, Science
📌Words: 638
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 June 2021

A common impression amongst all anesthesiologists is if naturally red-headed women need more anesthetic than a normal person, more specifically women with darker hair. The redhead gene can be traced down to a single genotype, which can fundamentally change someone's anesthetic sensitivity through genetic influence. Furthermore, the specific gene in question is the MC1R gene. This gene produces the redhead phenotype which creates the result of excess pheomelanin. Pheomelanin codes for the production of yellow-red pigments, which in turn “make” a redhead, this pigment is also commonly found in people who have freckles. On the other hand, the normal pigment produced codes for darker hair colors such as brown and black, this pigment is called eumelanin. The MC1R gene itself is revealed on the exterior of melanocytes which is an important factor in signaling melanin in its pathway to pigment development. To begin the experiment, researchers had to find controls and regulations on what time of day their participants were studied in, as well as their gender. Moreover, they also had to look at pain regulation in the body under anesthetic, as well as how much was used. Through these things, researchers have proven redheads need more anesthesia in comparison to women with darker hair by a ratio of 6.2 to 5.2.

There were several regulations on the protocol of the experiment including but not limited to; when the study started, menstrual cycles of the participants as well as food fasting. Researchers made this control in order to make sure there were no limitations to the results of the experiment. The study was started in the morning to prevent the effects of circadian rhythms; which faintly alter the amount of anesthesia needed in order for patients not to feel pain. Participants needed to be off their menstrual cycle ten days prior to the study, or on an oral contraceptive. Although the effect of the menstrual cycle when in contact with anesthesia is unclear; there is still a pain threshold within the body at this time which can change the function of a period. Fasting was used as a protocol to ensure participants don't feel nauseous during the study as well as making sure no liquid or food traveled into the lungs.

To start the study, 20 women of European descent were put under general anesthesia that included sevoflurane which had 100% oxygen. After five minutes the women had been inserted with a laryngeal mask airway and the sevoflurane mix was shut off. Ventilation was used until the women were able to breathe on their own, after this, there was a forty-five-minute intubation period. Once the women were well under they were inserted with needles for ten seconds into their outer thighs- this pain would be incredibly unbearable to someone not under anesthesia. Responses that were positive were identified by powerful kicks in the legs as well as arms, non-purposeful responses included head movement as well as grimacing noises. Researchers measured pain tolerance by examining participants' movement to the needle injections. If they happen to move during the study, the women were induced with 0.5% more anesthesia, but the amount was decreased 0.5% with no movement to the stimulus. Researchers waited at least fifteen minutes between each increase or decrease of anesthesia in order to allow equilibration to happen. The results of the study showed participants with natural red hair needed more anesthesia, the mean of all 10 women being 6.2, while the average of the other women with darker hair was 5.2, a 19% increase overall.

The requirement of anesthetic in redheads was Significantly greater than those with darker hair. Results show that overall redheads and anesthetics were increased by 19% confirming that anesthetic tolerance for redheads is much greater. In general anesthetic, amounts depend on the intensity of what stimulus is being applied to a participant. In this study, the stimulus was skin incision which activates pain receptors fully (one of the maximal types). Researchers' most important steps in this study go as follows, finding control in order to regulate the study and not have any mishaps, also measuring pain tolerance to stimuli under anesthesia, as well as how much is needed with different women.

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