Understanding Bipolar and Depression Disorder Essay Example

📌Category: Disorders, Health, Mental health
📌Words: 773
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 16 July 2022

Even though bipolar and depression may date back to when your ancestors were firstborn doesn't mean it can just run through bloodlines. bipolar and depression may skip a generation. Depression is a very complex disease. When having depression you may over time develop bipolar disorder. When experiencing bipolar and depression there is only one difference: bipolar has its “ups'' and “downs” which means their moods change repeatedly, depression doesn't have “ups” there are only “downs”. 

Bipolar and depression can make it extremely difficult to achieve in everyday life. It can make someone feel like they're an outsider in the world around them. did you know it may increase the chances of them getting diabetes or other health diseases and health problems? when the disorder isn’t treated it may get worse. When someone gets diagnosed with depression, the feelings can be misunderstood. It’s way more complex than what some people believe. People with depression and bipolar don’t feel just sad, being sad is just a “feeling”.  So when suffering from bipolar and depression it is not just sadness. Some might have sadness from the loss of a loved one also known as grief. is but its only sadness, sadness only last for a short period of time unlike depression where it can come in and out of your life in episodes you don't just feel sad you also feel hopeless, lost, waste of space, sad, angry, pain which could lead to the possibility of planning to commit suicide or maybe even attempting. 

Depression and bipolar can have many different triggers meaning it always could be someone from the same genetics as them, but if someone in the bloodline does have depression and bipolar they will have a higher risk of getting it without an obvious explanation. People who are going through many stressful events in their life can be at higher risk of getting depression but it could be also from, loss, relationship problems/ breakup, loss of loved ones, trauma, abuse, and verbal abuse the possibly go on, and on there isn't just one cause to depression and bipolar the possibilities are endless.

When someone has depression it affects their body in many ways like headaches, stomach problems, pain with no real cause.

The brain of someone who doesnt have depression may have some differences from the brain of some people who have a major depressive disorder. Some people with bipolar and depression May realize that they have memory loss and trouble thinking clearly. The reason is that their brain is smaller than someone who doesn't have depression, having a tinier brain with bipolar and depression can experience that the brain is killing brain cells and not letting the brain grow, which can cause thinking problems and memory loss. 

How does it impact someone’s health?  bipolar and depression may make someone feel like they are  lacking energy which could make them sleep more. Depression could affect a certain part of the brain. When having bipolar you may experience manic depression disorder so what is manic disorder? Well, manic is a type of depression that could make you feel happy one minute then crying the next. It comes in episodes which means if you ever developed depression and bipolar it has some opposite effects than depression. How do mood changes affect the human body and emotions? During the manic episode that comes with bipolar someone’s engery is above average, it destroys grey matter in your brain. The grey matter in your brain could be linked to your intelligence. It also contains neutral cells in your body. when people have a smaller grey matter it may lead to them having difficulties with learning and comprehending new subjects and contrasting. When someone is in the mindset of manic episodes, they may encounter that their minds are racing, making it hard to control their thoughts. Bipolar may affect your ability to sleep (falling asleep) 

Bipolar affects people in their individual ways but when it comes to relationships with someone who has bipolar it gets extremely complicated when it comes to someone with bipolar there mood swings are unpredictable. They might struggle with holding on to a long-term relationship because of their mood changes, which might make it extremely hard to communicate when they’re at a point where they don’t want to live.

People with bipolar and depression might have a hard time with work. for someone with depression and bipolar for them to focusing on a career path can be extremely complicated, when some have bipolar they may feel like they’re on top of the world which could last a period of a month or week or longer, but when it crashes it really does crash, they even have had difficulty getting out of bed or eating what can make it hard going to jobs.

About 3.5% of the population died due to anxiety and depression. And about 700,000 people died to suicide. Did you know that about 16.5 people with depression and bipolar may have a drinking problem or a drug addiction?

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